Everyone Has a Story | Teen Ink

Everyone Has a Story MAG

August 2, 2023
By shayna--, Montclair, New Jersey
shayna--, Montclair, New Jersey
0 articles 1 photo 0 comments

All roughly 100 people (except for the Lego figure and the cameo of myself) was created out of my head and as I drew them I came up with their stories. Ask yourself: why are they all here? together?

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This art has 2 comments.

on Feb. 11 at 11:13 pm
On_A_Journey SILVER, Sparks, Nevada
7 articles 3 photos 126 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not all those who wander are lost- J.R.R Tolkien

Wow, this must have taken a long time to draw! Such detail!

on Aug. 7 2023 at 11:58 am
LiteraryMe PLATINUM, Dayton, Ohio
41 articles 19 photos 519 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The earth has music for those who listen.” —William Shakespeare

this is so cool! great work!