Teen Ink



By aubriwrites BRONZE
Farmington, Utah
aubriwrites BRONZE, Farmington, Utah
1 article 2 photos 0 comments
By huss0
Lahore, Other
huss0, Lahore, Other
0 articles 4 photos 0 comments
By huss0
Lahore, Other
huss0, Lahore, Other
0 articles 4 photos 0 comments
By ember_lovez
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
ember_lovez, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
0 articles 1 photo 0 comments
AdelinaCarolina, Glenwood, Iowa
0 articles 19 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” -Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)

Vancouver, Columbia
Ela2611 PLATINUM, Vancouver, Columbia
43 articles 30 photos 39 comments

Favorite Quote:
Give the ones you love , the wings to fly roots to come by and reasons to stay …….

angelnievespena BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 3 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Time is relative; its only worth depends upon what we do as it is passing.” - Einstein

angelnievespena BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 3 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Time is relative; its only worth depends upon what we do as it is passing.” - Einstein

IshanParmar, Edison, New Jersey
0 articles 7 photos 0 comments
IshanParmar, Edison, New Jersey
0 articles 7 photos 0 comments
ElaM ELITE, Surrey, Columbia
315 articles 24 photos 118 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party; and I attended with my real face.” ~Franz Kafka

IshanParmar, Edison, New Jersey
0 articles 7 photos 0 comments