Teen Ink



angelnievespena BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 3 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Time is relative; its only worth depends upon what we do as it is passing.” - Einstein

By NatKat
Arcadia, California
NatKat, Arcadia, California
0 articles 4 photos 0 comments
By therese758
Staten Island, New York
therese758, Staten Island, New York
0 articles 1 photo 0 comments
By IcaursFalling SILVER
Bloomingdale, Michigan
IcaursFalling SILVER, Bloomingdale, Michigan
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And I know we’re in a subjective business, but the truth is, I’m really in pursuit of greatness. I know people don’t usually talk like that, but I want to be one of the greats. I’m inspired by the greats. I’m inspired by the greats here tonight. I’m as inspired by Daniel Day-Lewis, Marlon Brando, and Viola Davis as I am by Michael Jordan, Michael Phelps, and I want to be up there. So I’m deeply grateful. This doesn’t signify that, but it’s a little more fuel. It’s a little more ammo to keep going. Thank you so much." - Timothee Chalamet, SAG Awards, 2025

By Anonymous