Beyond the carpet, The Death of Marilyn Monroe | Teen Ink

Beyond the carpet, The Death of Marilyn Monroe

March 28, 2024
By ameerakhannnnn, Islamabad, Other
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ameerakhannnnn, Islamabad, Other
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Author's note:

hi my name is ameera khan, I was inspired by the iconic moment at the 2022 Met Gala, where Kim Kardashian wore and inadvertently damaged Marilyn Monroe's iconic dress, I then embarked on a personal journey to dive deeper into the significance behind this moment. 

The haunting story of Marilyn Monroe starts a long time ago, at a time when she wasn't known as Marilyn, but instead, as Norma Jeane Mortenson. Marilyn, or Norma, June 1, 1926, and lived the first few years of her life with her mother Gladys Pearl Baker. Gladys was not a very caring mother, she suffered from many mental illnesses and many people stated that she was not a very kind mother to Marilyn. 

At the time of Marilyn's birth, Gladys was a struggling film cutter who already had 2 kids from an ex-husband who had been taken away from her (Jackie and Berniece) and because of this, she didn't have enough money to support herself, let alone Marilyn. So, she was put into the foster care system, through the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center. Marilyn had many guardians and foster parents over the years, but her first set of foster parents were A.W. and Ida Bolender. By age 7 Marilyn was removed from the system by her mother, who then took her in. However the story doesn’t end here, after a series of unfortunate events which all added up to prompt Gladys to have a mental break, Marilyn was taken out of her care once again. 

This all occurred in the fall of 1933, it began when Gladys learned that her 13-year-old son (Jackie) had passed away from kidney disease, and as a reaction to this Gladys took her anger out by lashing out at her young daughter Marilyn. A few weeks later Gladys also learned that her grandfather had hung himself and that her studio was going on strike, meaning she was out of a job, with all this pressure on her, in 1934 she finally broke. Marilyn saw her mother have an episode, and as she kicked her legs up in the air and screamed as loud as she could, the police were called shortly. 

She was then diagnosed as schizophrenic and institutionalized at the state hospital in Norwalk. After this, Marilyn was placed back in foster care. For 2 more years, until Gladys’s old friend, Grace Goddard came to save Marilyn and become her legal guardian. After this, the star lived with Grace but would have nights here and there spent in both orphanages and in foster care, because Grace was also caring for her step-family leaving Marilyn at low priority. During this time Marilyn would visit her mother here and there as she was shuffling between homes.

It was also during this time that Marilyn learned that she had an older half-sister, Berniece. Marilyn was excited at this news as it made her feel as though she was less alone in this mess that she called home, she reached out to her sister quickly after that and they remained in contact during her final days

In 1942, Grace was leaving the area with her family, and because of this Marilyn was going to be placed back into foster care. In a spur-of-the-moment attempt to avoid this, she married her neighbor's son, James Dougherty, at the age of 16, while he was 21. James was a police officer, specifically, the first trainer of Special Weapons and Tactics. While he was off at work Marilyn learned how to be a “housewife”. She would make him meals, and clean the house while he was away at work, Patiently awaiting his arrival. However she never truly enjoyed it, she felt it was boring and repetitive, and soon after this she began to work more and more on her modeling and acting career. 

After Marilyn began to gain more and more popularity in the Hollywood world, her relationship with James kept getting worse and worse, as they never had time for each other anymore. By September 1946 the two had finalized their divorce and Marilyn was on the verge of signing 20th Century Fox under her stage name, Marilyn Monroe.


As Marilyn became the well-known star and icon that she remains today, her mother continued to send her mail regularly, mostly asking her to get her out of the sanitarium she was in, (Rock Haven Sanitarium in La Crescenta)

In February 1961, Marilyn confessed to her doctor that she had had suicidal thoughts. After this doctors told Marilyn that she was being taken to a private hospital for some “rest”. Marilyn herself was terrified of sanitariums because her mother lived in one for most of her life and her grandmother had died in one. Marilyn arrived at the Payne Whitney hospital on the 5th of February where she was forced into a padded room and drugged. A few hours later she wrote to her teachers. "I'm locked up with these poor nutty people and they dope me, I'm sure to end up a nut too if I stay in this nightmare. Please help me." 


After getting out of the hospital Marilyn's life was getting back on track slowly until her mother came back into her life. Marilyn and her mother had one last altercation in the summer of 1962. Marilyn had taken her mother to a new doctor to get them to prescribe her Thorazine. She went all the way to Rock Haven, just to reach and learn that Gladys was willingly refusing to take her own Thorazine.

Outside the office, Marilyn begged her mother to take her medication, while she insisted that she only needed prayers and that medicine was unnecessary. As Gladys stood up to leave, Marilyn stopped her, slipping a flask into her purse, warranting a smile from her mother, and the words “You’re such a good girl, Norma Jeane,” This was the last known interaction of the two.

Although Marilyn and her mother had a rocky relationship, she took care of her right up until her death, According to Marilyn Monroe historian and collector, Scott Fortner "Marilyn and her mother were not close. Nonetheless, Marilyn made sure her mother was taken care of. She paid for her mother’s care throughout her life, and Marilyn made provisions for her care in her will. Gladys outlived her daughter by twenty-two years. She passed away in March, 1984."

After Marilyn signed the contract with Twentieth Century-Fox, she made a few brief appearances in movies made by the studio, after which she was again left unemployed, which led her to go back to modeling for photographers, a nude photo of her ended up in a calendar, which led her to her first role in the film “Scudda-Hoo! Scudda-Hay! (1948)” after this she yet again took some minor roles, which was followed by other minor roles.

Then, In 1950 Marilyn played a small role in “The Asphalt Jungle'', so small that it wasn't even credited, however she gained heaps of fan mail which then led her to go her role in “All about Eve (1950)” This role managed to get her another Fox Contract that then led her to be in a ton of movies, including. “Let’s Make It Legal (1951)” “ Love Nest (1951)” “ Clash by Night (1952)” 

After all of these movies, she had made a name for herself as the ‘love goddess’ of Hollywood. This came from her more popular performances, such as, “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)” “How to Marry a Millionaire (1953)” and “There’s No Business Like Show Business (1954)”  

After this Marilyn went on to study with Lee Strasberg at the actor's studio in New York. Because of this, her acting improved and she began to show a new comedic side of herself, in movies like, “The Seven Year Itch (1955)” and “Bus Stop (1956)” 


Marilyn Monroe in 1954 after her hit movie “The seven year Itch”  

Late in 1954 while Marilyn was on set filming a scene for ' ‘The Seven year Itch” there was a scene where Marilyn's dress was blowing up, this scene was shot over the subway gate at night, with a full set up of lights, cameras, a crew, a whole crowd of ogling men. Joe was also there while this was being shot, while Billy Wilder (the director) was directing her and reshooting a few times, Joe’s temper grew more and more, He finally lost his cool when he heard all the men yelling and cheering, and he left the set. When Marilyn arrived home that night, Joe was waiting there for her and beat her senseless. Later, Marilyn decided that this wasn’t worth it anymore and she left him.


Marilyn’s dressing blowing up on set, 1954

Eventually, Marilyn forgave Joe, however, she never forgot what he did and never got back together with him. Joe never remarried or even dated anymore, rather he spent his whole life waiting for Marilyn to forgive him until only 8 years later Marilyn passed away. 

In 1956 she married Arthur Miller and took a short break from movie making. She then won critical acclaim for the first time as an actress for Some Like It Hot (1959). Marilyn's last film “The Misfits (1961)” was written specifically for her by Aurther and although their marriage ended during production, it was still her movie. Marilyn's last performance was on May 19, 1962, where she sang “Happy Birthday” for President John F Kennedy at a Gala at Madison Garden for his 45th birthday

The text below contains mentions of suicide and self harm. Reader discretion is advised

August 4, 1962, was a day that shaped and shifted many people's lives all across the world. Since it happened different theories and conspiracies have been spread around like wildfire, through all of this the original story began to blur, but that ends now. The night began with Marilyn's housekeeper, Eunice Murray. Eunice said that Marilyn headed to get home at around 7:30 pm on Saturday, this was the last time she was seen alive. Now the exact time Marilyn died is still unclear, different accounts have different times. At 7:30 on her way to her room, she told her housekeeper “'Goodnight Mrs. Murray, I think I'll turn in now." 

After this two other witnesses spoke and interacted with her, first was Peter Lawford, a famous actor at the time, he was also the brother-in-law of John and Robert Kennedy who at the time were close to Marilyn whether it be negatively or positively. The second witness was Joe DiMaggio Jr, who was Marilyn's former stepson from her second marriage. Both of these people spoke with Marilyn on the phone, however, each of them had differing accounts of her mood, one claiming she was down, while another claimed she was in a good mood.

Later at around midnight, Eunice revealed that she had knocked on Marilyn's door many times but she got no response. This was out of the ordinary for Marilyn and because of this Eunice called up Marilyn's psychiatrist Dr. Ralph Greenson soon after. Around 1 am Ralph and Eunice went outside and looked into Marilyn's bedroom from the outside window. What they saw left them in horror. Marilyn was lying motionless, face down on her bed. After seeing this the pair broke into her room through the same window. After getting in Ralph tried to wake Marilyn up but he ultimately failed and called up her physician, Dr. Hyman Engelberg. Reportedly he arrived at the scene just a little while later. 

At 4:20 am The Los Angeles Times reported that Marilyn was dead. Dr. Hyman had called the police and reported her as dead, the police arrived at the house around 10 minutes later, and Hyman gave them a statement “I suspected she'd been dead at least a few hours." he said. Now the issue with this account is that it leaves a large gap between Eunice finding the body and the police being called, which raised some suspicions with the police. However, Eunice later changed her story, saying that she had found Marilyn at 3 am when she saw a light coming from under her door, and she couldn't get into her room. 

The police stated to reporters that Eunice seemed oddly calm as they entered with Ralph and Hyman, she even began to fold some laundry, which was weird considering it was around 5 am. From the bedroom doorway, officers could see Marilyn’s body lying face down on her bed. This position raised some confusion for the police, commonly when someone overdoses their body attempts to get the drug out before they pass, and the person vomits. Because of this their body is usually left on their back and their limbs are often twisted.

Another odd occurrence was that there was no glass next to Marilyn while she could have had her pills, but again the police brushed it off as if it was nothing. The most compelling part of this night however is the 6 hours that Mariyln Monroe's body went missing after her death. 

The corpse left her house off Sunset Boulevard in Beverly Hills (the exact time of this is unknown but people believe it to be around 5;30am) and arrived at the LA County Morgue 6 hours later. The drive from her house on any other day would have taken around 45 minutes to an hour, but 6 hours? That wasn't possible unless it was stopped somewhere else in between. Now In 2008, Abc news published an article about these 6 hours, in that article the author claimed she had an inside source who knew what happened. The source claims that “lots of money changed hands so that several members of the society could have sex with her dead body” 

As gruesome as that is, it was not the end. After her body arrived at the morgue it sat alone for 24 hours, in this period there were even more tales of postmortem sex. Every single nurse, coroner’s assistant, and janitor in Los Angeles is said to have known someone who had participated in it. Further proof of this was when a popular singer Tom (last name is unknown) wrote a song about having sex with her on that night. 

In August Of  2019, Devik Wiener sat down for a document with Fox news, in which he mentioned that his father- Leigh Wiener a photographer, who had worked with Marilyn in the past had bribed his way into the morgue the night after her death and taken photos of Marilyns naked, dead body. After this Leighr even went as far as to develop these pictures but after seeing them he decided they were too gruesome to be seen by the public, and so according to his son he hid them in a safety deposit box, and thankfully, those pictures have not been found to this day. 

After this, the toxicology report and autopsy were performed on Marilyn. It was found that she had died between 8:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. on August 4, 1962. The toxicology report showed that the cause of death was acute barbiturate poisoning; she had 8 mg% of chloral hydrate in her blood as well as 4.5 mg% of pentobarbital. She also had 13 mg of pentobarbital in her liver. Now after this was found the possibility of it being an overdose was ruled out since these amounts were way above the legal and lethal limit, thus, the police ruled it as an overdose. 

After the autopsy, the police did not know who to call to arrange Marilyn's funeral considering she had no family members, because of this Joe DiMaggio- Marilyn's second husband was called and swiftly arranged his ex-wife's funeral. Marilyn's Funeral was held on August 8, 1962, at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles it was a private funeral and Joe had barred all members of the public- fans from attending. Reportedly he also almost banned all Hollywood affiliates, producers, actors, and directors as he claimed that they were part of the reason why she had so much suffering in her life

Fans, Followers, and all those in the Hollywood scene were distraught by this news, The New York Times even reported that the actress Sophia Loren cried when she heard the news.

Soon after Marilyn's death came Elton John's notorious homage ‘ Candle in the Wind’ Although this song had a lot to say about Marilyn, the line that stood out was  “All the papers had to say was that Marilyn was found in the nude." and although this was scandalous to put into a song, it was true. The New York Times, LA Times, New York Daily Times, and Variety all commented on the empty bottle of Nembutal- a sleeping medication that was found on the empty near Marilyn's body. The LA Times stated that Dr. Engelberg had prescribed it to her just a few days before that night and that it only had 40-50 capsules in it. The New York Times also added in, saying that her nightstand had 14 other medication bottles along with that one. Later, PBS was added to the fire, and  reported that Marilyn was known to mix barbiturates, opiates, amphetamines, and alcohol. 

After it was confirmed that Marilyn's death was a suicide people began to pile in their opinions of why it happened, or why it didn't. Some people say that Marilyn was severely depressed at the time of her death, this comes from many factors. She had just divorced her third husband, Arthur Miller, the pair had just married in 1956 and Marilyn had begun to work on her new movie, The Prince and the Showgirl. 

Just a few months later Marilyn and Aurther filed for divorce, saying that they were too busy to prioritize each other, during her marriage she had gone through many miscarriages, and as an effect of that, her last two movies which she made had failed at the box office.

She had also just been fired from the movie “Somethings got to give” On June 1, Marilyn turned 36 on set. On June 8, after missing 17 of the 30 shooting days so far,   she was fired from "Something's Got to Give." and Fox classified it as "willfully disruptive" behavior. But, Marilyn's costar, Martino rebelled against the directors and refused to work with anyone else, and so on August 1st she was rehired.   

However, when she was found dead on 

August 5, the movie was canceled for good. 

Now while all of these points are valid, in my opinion, this was not the lowest point in her life, I don't think she was that depressed that it led her to suicide, and that is another way to look at it. Some fans say that although she had alcohol and drug abuse issues, she was also growing and changing for the better. Marilyn had just bought her first home in March 1961 and she was making it her own, ordering furniture from Mexico, planting things all around and just enjoying Along with that, BBC reported that Joe DiMaggio and her were planning to remarry soon, plus she returned to work on “Somethings got to give” 

The cause of Marilyn's death will never be fully clear, even the people who were with Marilyn on her last day, or even spoke to her, contradict each other on her mood and how she was feeling. We will likely never know how she was feeling or what she was doing on her last day.

There are many conspiracies surrounding Marilyn 

Monroe's death. Each one more elaborate than the first, and all suggesting that the truth is not as it seems. 

Most of these theories were fueled and supported by one fact. The medical examiner Dr. Thomas Noguchi, who performed the autopsy ended up admitting that samples from Marilyns intestines and stomach were lost in transport before they could even be put through a toxicology tests and come up with a report. In 1982 after this information was revealed, and LA district attorney investigation confirmed that Marilyn’s death was post likely caused by an overdose, intentional or not. 

The first theory and possibly the most famous theory  suggests that  Robert F. Kennedy (then-Attorney General and brother of President, John F. Kennedy) was one of the causes of Marilyns death 

The story says that Marilyn had allegedly had affairs with both of the Kennedy brothers and during these affairs she had written down small important details as well as state secrets in her diary, the same diary that disappeared after her death. 

There are many facts to back up this specific theory, for example: the LA times said, "The Kennedys were a very  important part of Marilyn's life." According to them, Peter Lawford's ex-wife, Deborah as well as her private detective Fred Otash have both claimed that Robert Kennedy was in fact there the night that she died. 

They claim that an argument began between the two that pushed her to suicide. According to them Peter who was then married to Patricia (the Kennedy brothers sister) helped smuggle Robert back to Northern California to avert suspicion 


Another conspiracy suggests that he himself, or the mob; murdered Marilyn. This theory has many things to back it up. 

Firstly it is said that after Robert had called off their affair Marilyn was very distraught. Allegedly that night she called up one of her friends and told them all about how she was doing to expose Robert and John because of how much information she knew, she talked about how she could ruin them and their career. The next day Robert went to Marilyn in her house and asked her for the diary, since it was a matter of stare security, Marilyn however refused to hand it over since it was her only leverage against them. 

Because of all of this people say that Robert flew out that night in his jet and drugged Marilyn. Fans on the internet have found many many plane routes and flight paths all proving that Robert did leave California that night, now all of this is just speculation and there’s no way to verify any of it. 

After all of this information was put out, Peter made a statement, He, unsurprisingly, denied all of these accusations. His fourth wife however did  confirm that Peter did work with Fred, and he called him the night Marilyn died, but she claimed it was regarding Marilyns apparent suicide. Pater did end up admitting that he spoke to Marilyn the night of her death,   

and said that he was very worried that she was 

suicidal, not that she was about to be murdered.

The confusion around Marilyn's death is something which is globally agreed upon, they’re many people from all over the world who have many opinions and facts about it. An example of this is a post made by @szee8588 on Reddit.

“Interesting that there was no glass of water near the bottles of prescription meds nor anywhere, and that her house's electrical had a lot

Interesting that there was no glass of water near the bottles of prescription meds nor anywhere, and that her house's electrical had a lot of hidden wire taps. Interesting that she had no signs of drugs in her digestive tract, and that they "lost" the autopsy report.  And that she had a cracked rib and blood at an injection site. The police chief thinks she was murdered too and he wonders why he wasn't called until more than 4 hours after her death.  Dr Greenson who was the 1st person at the scene of her death, who was about to be fired by Marilyn - said he had to get approval from  Fox's publicity department before calling the police - an excuse to cover up a murder? Also the broken glass from the shattered window Dr Greenson supposedly had to break to get in, was on the outside, not inside, indicating the window was broken from the inside, say detectives.”

The Washington Post says that Joe learned about Marilyn's death from his sister who hears it on the radio. After hearing this He immediately flew out to LA and began to manage things over there. He collected her body and took charge of the funeral arrangements with some help from Marilyn's business manager. Joe spent the entire night of August 5th sitting with Marilyns body, some had reported that the couple had gotten back together away from the public eye. He even picked out the dress that she was buried in. 

Joe refused to allow many of Marilyn's Hollywood members and affiliates to attend her funeral,  saying, "If it wasn't for them, she'd still be here." 

On August 6, 1962, the day after Marilyn’s  body was found, The New York Times reported   that when Aurther  was asked if he had anything to say on Marilyn's  death, he said, "I Don't, really." He was then criticized and shamed for not attending her funeral Miller was criticized for not attending her funeral on August 8. However, later an unpublished essay, written the same day and revealed in 2018 shows his anger with the Hollywood elite and the stars, he felt like they had destroyed Marilyn, he even wrote a sentimental statement saying “Let the public mourners finish the mockery [...] Most of them there destroyed her." 

Marilyn’s first husband James was on patrol when a colleague who had been to Monroe's house called to tell him   that she was dead. In 2003 he reflected on the events of that day and told CNN, "She was such a pure and innocent soul. The movie industry abused her and used her." On August 6, The New York Times reported that the popular actress  Sophia Loren cried when she heard the news. 

There have been many people who have tried to dishonor Marilyn, such as Kim Kardashian and how she ruined both the legacy of Marilyn and the sanctity of her dress by wearing it, ripping it and damaging it just to wear it for 40 minutes at the Met gala on the red carpet. Or how the LA council tried to demolish Marilyn’s only home and the only purchase she made herself, as well as the home she died in, as though trying to ruin her legacy. 

However there have also been many people who have tried to honor her, for example, Andy Warhol. After her death he immediately  started working on the first of many artworks he made featuring Marilyn’s pictures


Back then Andy’s day job was drawing pictures for ads, but in his free time he would pour his heart into creating pop art; and one of his post-inclined pieces was one of Marilyn Monroe. To Andy, Marilyn was  the perfect example of Hollywood corrupting a celebrity. Andy printed her face 50 times in a grid. The piece highlighted the contrast between Marilyn the movie star, made  to attract attention, and Marilyn the person, always just out of view from her adoring public. 


While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented in this book, the author cannot guarantee its completeness or correctness. Readers are advised to use their discretion and verify any information independently. The author and publisher disclaim any liability for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.


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Institutionalized: To be placed in an institution, such as a mental hospital or prison, for long-term care or confinement due to various reasons, such as mental illness or criminal activity.
Schizophrenic: A mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior, disorganized thinking, and hallucinations or delusions.
Sanitarium: A facility or hospital for the treatment of chronic diseases or mental illness, often associated with long-term care or rehabilitation.
Autopsy: A postmortem examination performed by a pathologist to determine the cause of death or to obtain further medical information about the deceased.
Toxicology: The branch of science that deals with the effects, detection, and analysis of poisons or toxic substances in biological systems, such as the human body.
Conspiracy:A secret plan or agreement between two or more people to commit an unlawful or harmful act, often involving deception or manipulation.
Discretion: The freedom to make decisions or choices responsibly, based on judgment and careful consideration of the circumstances.
Coroner: An official responsible for investigating and determining the cause of death in cases where the death is sudden, unexpected, or suspicious.

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