Love burns | Teen Ink

Love burns

May 3, 2024
By Lia_1021, Croydon, Pennsylvania
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Lia_1021, Croydon, Pennsylvania
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      Chapter 1:The day we met 

It was a rainy and stormy day,Yuki, a peasant, was minding his own and cleaning his small shaft until.

‘Knock knock’

“Who is it?” said a very soft toned voice 

As yuki said that,he opened the door with a light push,the wind pushed in,as yuki looked up he saw a samurai at his door it was a woman,hinta, she was 7 foot 8, she was more on the bigger side,she looked around 450 pounds,she also had a reputation around the village to be weird and annoying but yet very strong which why she was a samurai,yuki quickly bowed in respect to the upper class woman.

“Hello ma’am,what may bring the honor of you coming to my shaft?”

Questioned the nervous but also confused peasant.

“The damiyo has requested you,get up on your feet you dirty pig and get to walking”

Said the annoyed and angered woman.

“Yes ma’am” said the peasant getting up on his feet quickly and walking out of his house to the daimyos house,with the samurai right behind him.As yuki entered the daimyos house he was amazed it was huge and very marvoluse palace.He had been there only 3 times,since he was a peasant and mostly never welcomed.

“My unfaithful peasant”said an awfully grump voice,the damiyo was 5’8 male, balding with a blonde ponytail in the back;he  had a hump back,he was known to be a selfish and annoying guy,rude to everyone he saw and he was always aggressive which lead to his poor wife perusing from his hard beating.

The peasant turned his head quicking to the sound of the daimyos voice,he swiftly went on to his knees and put his head down facing his lap,hands lighty sitting there not moving.

“How dare you”said the damiyo visible angry

“M-may i ask what i have done?”asked the scared peasant 

“QUIET” yelled the angered damiyo 

“Y-yes sir” said the peasant on the verge of tears 

As the damiyo yelled, jinho came walking down the big staircase.

“What is the meaning of all of this yelling father?”Said the daimyos son  annoyed and angry from being awoken from his nap,jinho was a 6’1 male with long black hair,his hair slightly hitting his Eyes,he mostly had it tied up though,his veiny arms always crossed over his chest or at his sides,he was built like a greek god,Many know that jinho has a short temper sometimes and was also very rude to people.Jinho also had a reputation for being cold hearted.But none of the less he was nice sometimes,as his eyes met the small,black  haired boys body, on the floor bowing  he cleared his throat with a slight blush on his face.  

“I didn't know we had company”said jinho embarrassed

As the peasant heard jinhoo’s voice he looked over at him rushing to greet him,as he locked eyes with jinho,his face turned beet root red

“I haven't even seen him before….but he's so handsome”Yuki thought to himself mesmerized by his looks   

As to everyone's shock the samurai came in and pointed her sword at the peasant threatening to cut his neck 

“What makes you think you can stare at the dear man”she said very aggressively angered by the man's staring,the peasant looks down sadly.

“Im sorry ma’am”

“SHUT UP!” Jinho yelled at the woman

“What makes you think you can talk to him like that,you are not me nor my father so know your place,and why aren't you showing your respect to me?Bow down this instant!”he said, angry at the woman.

As he said that she bowed down nervously “I-Im sorry sir!”

“Not another word,you pig, get out of my sight NOW!”

As jinho said that the samurai stumbled off into the distance 

Turning his pupils back to yuki,yuki was 5 '11 male with black hair and a wolf cut,his face clear and delicate and his lips smooth as paper and his skin white as snow.he was known for being  poor but yet people have told him he always seemed to look good in whatever he wore.His confidence and braveness where always high.Leading to him always standing up for himself,jinho started waking closer to yuki while yuki  had still has his head down.

He stood in front of yuki and took his chin in his hands while looking deep into his eyes.

“It's rude not to look at your higher up”he said with a smirk on his face 

“S-sorry sir”said yuki nervously 

“Hah” he chuckled to himself 

“Father i will deal with this one”said jinho with a sly smile 

“Bu-”said the damiyo getting cut off in the process 

“get on your feet and follow me”said jinho while walking to go back to his room

“Yes sir” said yuki nervous about what he will do to him.

As jinho and yuki were walking up the stairs,jinho thought to himself “why am i all of a sudden being nice?Why is he so ....special?


            Chapter 2:Me and You                              

As they were walking up the stairs yuki started to feel light headed,he felt like he was on the verge of fainting,like his body was about to just shut off.Yuki started stumbling and gripping the railing for support.

“Hey…I…don’t..feel.”Yuki said trying to keep his eyelids open 

Jinho turned around to look at yuki.

“You okay?” said jinho concerned 

“N-” as yuki tried to finish what he was saying he fainted,almost hitting his head on the hard stairs,but jinho reacted quickly,extending his arms out to grab yuki’s waist ,jinho wrapped his hands around yuki's waist,pulling him up to his chest and then carrying him in bridal pose.

“Well I guess you weren't okay then”Jinho said to himself,as he said that jinho turned back around and started walking until.

“Jinho”Called out his father in a stern tone.

“Don’t get attached to him,he’ll be dead before you even know it” The damiyo said with a sly smile implying something.

Those words that had come out of his mouth made Jinho grip on yuki's waist more,he knew what his father meant by that,but he didn't know why but he felt the need to protect yuki,to help him, him.But he just did.

“Of course father i would never ”said jinho,even though 

Jinho then proceeded to walk up to his bedroom,As jinho finally got to his bedroom door he opened it with yuki in his hands.He gently placed yuki on his bed and covered him with his blanket.Jinho walked over to his bedroom window and looked out.

Damn a grunt and started to change his clothes.After he finished getting dressed he didn't feel right.He then took off his shirt which left him shirtless.

“Perfect” said jinho pleased with himself 

Jinho climbed onto the bed next to yuki hoping he was okay and not hurt from his fainting.Jinho brought yuki up close to his chest cuddling him.He felt so warm and confterble.Next thing he knew he was asleep in bed,with yuki in his arms.

As the morning came,yuki opened his eyes,blinking to focus his vision. He felt warm and comfortable. He then looked up and saw a shirtless jinho hugging his body.

“AHHHH” yelled yuki ,shocked,falling off the bed in the process,hitting his head on the hard floor.

“What happened?” questioned a confused jinho,waking up from his nap 

“WHY WAS I IN BED WITH YOU?” yuki yelled confusedly 

“YOU PERVERT”yuki yelled again,this time throwing a pillow at jinho’s  face

“Hey hey calm down we didn’t do anything,if any thing your the pervert for thinking of it like that”said jinho laughing 

“Oh” yuki said embarrassed for assuming 

“Anyways, what happened,why did you faint?” asked jinho,he really was confused and worried,he didn't know why he cared so much but he just did.

“I don't know,maybe because the last time I ate was last week?”said yuki like it was a normal occurrence,and like he didn't mind at all.


“TADASHI”yelled jinho awaiting for his butler's presence 

“Yes sir” answered his butler with a bow 

“Tell the chef to prepare a full course meal for him”said jinho 

“Yes sir”said tadashi walking away to go have the chef make a meal for the two 

“Why did you do that?’ asked yuki 

“Because you haven't eaten love” said jinho,meaning every word he said 

“O-okay”said yuki flustered at the pet name  

“Let's go down stairs and see if the food is almost done”said jinho getting up and off the bed

“Let goooo!” said yuki excited  for the food, getting up to run down the stairs.

Cute,thought jinho to himself,he didn't know why he thought of yuki as cute,he didn't even know why he was nice to him but he just was,was he in love?No he thought to himself.I met him yesterday he thought to himself.Maybe love at first sit?Jinho shook his head to get the thoughts out and proceeded to walk down stairs.

“Look at the yummy food”said yuki to jinho 

“Yes it does,”jinho said, taking a seat,then patting a seat next to him signaling yuki to sit down next to him.

“Hey I never got your name, what is it?asked yuki

“Jinho what is your name love?questioning yuki back 

“Y-yuki” said yuki flustered again by the nickname 

“What a lovely name”complimenting the small and fragile boy

“Anyways let's eat you look hungry”

“I am” said yuki  

“Then eat”said jinho gettin


              Chapter 3:Back off 

As jinho said those words yuki started to eat some of the food that was on the table enjoying every thing that was put there,finally happy he got some food to eat.It was a very tasty food 

As yuki ate his food jinho watched him,he felt his heart flutter,Im in love.He thought to himself.Jinho knew it well from the beginning.He never did believe in love at first sight but from his actions he knew he was in love, but he didnt know why he fell in love so fast.

“I'm in love with you”blurted out jinho 

“wha-*cough* cough*” yuki started choking on his food at the student outburst

“Hey sorry lemme help” said jinho with a blush on his face,jinho grabbed some water and gave it to yuki to drink 

“Its okay,I'm alright” said yuki after he finished drinking some water,his face all red 

“uhm I will be right back” said jinho embarrassed,standing up and running to the nearest restroom 

As jinho left his dad,the damiyo,walked in

“You dirty pig”said the damiyo angry 

“Stay away from my precision son or it will get you dead” he said to yuki,pointing his finger at him

“Y-yes sir” said yuki scared from the damiyo 






   Chapter 4:You’ll be dead by dawn 

“He did not just do that”said an unknown figure 

“That's it,im done with him” said the unknown figure,taking out his phone 

“Yes,Hello,I need the job done by tonight,i'll send the money after the job is done” said the unknown figure hanging up not to long after

Late into the night jinho awoke to a big crash and gunshots and a horrid scream from his father,as the damiyo screamed in pain jinho just laughed quietly to himself.As jinho did that he took his phone to transfer the money to the assassins phone

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