Zeze omenicia | Teen Ink

Zeze omenicia

June 17, 2024
By Anonymous

In the genesis of existence, there existed naught but a solitary star suspended in the vast expanse of nothingness. This radiant celestial body was the guardian of a divine being known as Attonatona, a luminous goddess whose brilliance illuminated the void. Yet, despite her radiant splendor, Attonatona began to wane, her once resplendent form gradually fading into the darkness.

In a desperate bid for preservation, Attonatona shattered fragments of her essence, birthing two sons—Feai’ka and Atomaseseai—to govern over the desolate expanse. Together, the brothers fashioned the raw elements of the void into minute particles known as allois, entrusting Feai’ka, the arbiter of fate, with their manipulation and experimentation.

Thus began the cosmic dance of creation, as Feai’ka and Atomaseseai crafted myriad planets, each imbued with its own unique essence and character. Unbeknownst to them, their creative fervor inadvertently birthed a second star, its incandescent radiance illuminating the cosmos. From its fiery embrace emerged Heaia, a goddess of unparalleled beauty and grace, whose heart would soon intertwine with Feai’ka’s in an eternal bond.

As a testament to their love, Feai’ka orchestrated a cosmic spectacle, orchestrating the collision of two celestial bodies to birth their progeny. From the wreckage emerged a daughter, destined to embody the union of their divine essences.

Meanwhile, the surviving planet bore witness to the meticulous craftsmanship of Atomaseseai, who adorned its barren surface with layers of geological splendor. This once desolate world transformed into a realm of arid deserts and towering mountains, reminiscent of the celestial bodies that adorned the heavens.

Intrigued by his brother’s handiwork, Atomaseseai descended upon the planet, where he encountered Maheai’ja, a goddess on the brink of oblivion. Moved by her plight, Atomaseseai bestowed upon her a gift of life-sustaining liquid, Quati, and a daughter named Quatica, whose aquatic form shimmered with ethereal beauty.

As Quatica flourished under Maheai’ja’s nurturing gaze, she formed a bond with Annimkamakai, Maheai’ja’s daughter, and together they reveled in the wonders of their burgeoning world. Yet, their idyllic existence was soon disrupted by the arrival of twin siblings, Grazzer and Heai Grazzer, whose boundless ambition sparked a rivalry that would shape the destiny of their realm.

Driven by their creative fervor, Grazzer and Heai Grazzer embarked on a competition of divine craftsmanship, each vying to surpass the other’s feats of ingenuity. With a single gesture, Grazzer summoned forth towering mountains that pierced the heavens, while Heai Grazzer wielded the elements to conjure bolts of lightning that ignited the skies.

Yet, from the ashes of their rivalry emerged a sinister force, a primordial flame known as Herinkeai, whose voracious hunger consumed all light in its path. From its fiery depths arose Herika, a timid spirit who recoiled from the presence of others, particularly Quatica, whose serene countenance stirred feelings of unease within her.

As the gods’ creations flourished and evolved, new forms of life emerged from the depths of the oceans, propelled by Annimkamakai’s boundless creativity. Witnessing their ascent to the surface, Annimkamakai decreed the need for terrestrial rulers to maintain balance and order.

Thus, from the primordial mists descended Quati, a life-giving essence that cascaded from the heavens, heralding the arrival of Mink, a goddess whose benevolent gaze ushered in an era of prosperity and abundance. With her arrival, life flourished like never before, as she gifted the gods with rain and sustenance, ensuring the continued vitality of their creation.

Meanwhile, Annimkamakai, inspired by the evolving tapestry of life, crafted creatures in her own image—beings she dubbed Hinkis, the progenitors of a species destined to walk the earth as stewards of their realm. And thus, amidst the celestial symphony of creation, the intricate web of existence continued to unfold, guided by the hands of divine beings whose influence shaped the very fabric of reality itself

In the infancy of human existence, amidst the rugged landscapes of the primordial earth, three figures emerged from the mists of time—Lakleai, Truzie, and Helono, the first of the Hinkis. Together, they traversed the untamed wilderness, forging bonds of camaraderie amidst the harsh realities of survival.

Truzie and Lakleai, their spirits intertwined like the roots of ancient trees, shared a deep connection that transcended the bounds of mere friendship. Their laughter echoed through the valleys as they embarked on daring adventures, hunting elusive prey and braving the unforgiving elements of their arid homeland.

Yet, amidst the laughter and camaraderie, a shadow loomed over Helono, whose heart harbored a love unrequited. Despite his silent yearning for Lakleai, he masked his feelings beneath a facade of support, choosing to honor the blossoming romance between his companions, even as it tore at the seams of his own desires.

As the seasons turned and the circle of life unfolded, Lakleai and Truzie welcomed two offspring into their midst—Kera, a spirited adventurer, and Honolo, a dutiful caretaker of their humble abode. Their laughter and joy filled the air, a testament to the idyllic existence they had forged amidst the rugged terrain.

Yet, beneath the facade of familial bliss, a simmering resentment festered within Helono’s heart, his unrequited love festering like a wound left untended. Envious of the happiness that eluded him, he nursed his grievances in silence, biding his time until fate intervened.

One fateful night, as the moon cast its silvery glow upon the earth, Helono’s simmering resentment boiled over into a torrent of jealousy and rage. With a heart heavy with grief and desperation, he seized a jagged rock and plunged it into Truzie’s unsuspecting form, extinguishing the light of his rival’s life.

In the aftermath of the deed, Helono’s hands trembled with guilt and remorse, yet he pressed forward with his macabre charade, concocting a tale of a predatory beast’s attack to mask the truth of his betrayal. As Lakleai’s tears mingled with the blood-soaked earth, Kera, roused from her slumber by the commotion, stumbled upon the grim tableau, her innocent eyes wide with horror and disbelief.

Unbeknownst to the mortals, the gods watched in silent anguish, their voices unheard amidst the chaos of mortal strife. Annimkamakai, her heart heavy with sorrow, sought to intervene, but found her divine counsel falling on deaf ears, for mortals could not perceive the presence of gods save within the hallowed confines of sacred ground.

Thus, amidst the tangled web of mortal folly and divine indifference, the tragedy of the first Hinkis unfolded—a tale of love unrequited, jealousy unbridled, and the immutable hand of fate guiding humanity’s uncertain path.

After countless generations of evolution, the ancient beings known as the Hinkis gradually transformed into modern-day humans. Among the first of these new humans were a trio named Yahweh, Dunnos, and Atricia. Yahweh stood out for his wisdom and adventurous spirit; he often led hunts and consistently returned with the most meat, earning him respect and admiration. Dunnos, on the other hand, was a quiet and reserved individual who stayed close to the huts, dedicating his time to preserving the meat and supporting the trio. He shared a particularly close bond with Atricia. Atricia herself was a remarkable blend of intelligence and beauty, capable of interpreting animal signals with remarkable speed. Her captivating appearance won the admiration of both Yahweh and Dunnos.

As previously mentioned, the fates of these three would unfold in a manner only slightly less tragic than that of Lakleai, Helono, and Truzie. In time, Atricia revealed her feelings, choosing Dunnos over Yahweh. This revelation shattered Yahweh, who could not bear the thought of Dunnos and Atricia finding happiness together. Consumed by jealousy and rage, Yahweh confronted them one fateful night. In a fit of uncontrollable fury, he stabbed Dunnos multiple times with a dagger he had fashioned from animal bones. Atricia’s desperate pleas for him to stop fell on deaf ears.

After ensuring Dunnos was dead, Yahweh turned his attention to Atricia, attempting to win her over through force and intimidation. However, Atricia, despite her fear and grief, stood firm. She told Yahweh that she could never love him the way he loved her. So Yahweh decided to take advantage of her weakness at the time and assaulted her. Atricia begged him to get off of her and leave her alone, but Yahweh was once again deaf to her cries and pleas. Once he was satisfied, he let her go. Atricia was shaken and traumatized from what had just happened.

Once Yahweh fell asleep, Atricia saw her chance and bolted, her heart pounding with fear and adrenaline. She ran through the dense forest, branches scratching her arms and legs, until she reached the river. There, by the water’s edge, sat Annimkamakai, her serene presence in the very spot where she had been born, a place now considered Holy ground. The air around this sacred area seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow, a testament to its divine significance.

Atricia, trembling and breathless, collapsed onto the soft, damp earth, her sobs breaking the tranquil silence. She could hardly process the horrors she had just endured, and tears streamed down her face as she tried to catch her breath. The pain of losing her true love and the fear of Yahweh’s wrath replayed in her mind, an unending nightmare she couldn’t escape.

Hearing Atricia’s anguished cries, Annimkamakai rose gracefully and approached her. The goddess’s eyes, filled with empathy and wisdom, met Atricia’s tear-filled gaze. “What troubles you, dear child?” she asked softly, her voice like a soothing balm to Atricia’s tormented soul.

Through choked sobs, Atricia recounted her tragic tale. She spoke of her true love’s untimely death at the hands of Yahweh and the subsequent terror that had driven her to flee. The words tumbled out in a rush, each one laced with grief and desperation. “I was so scared,” Atricia whispered, “scared that Yahweh would do it again. I couldn’t stay. I had to run.”

Annimkamakai listened intently, her expression growing more resolute with each word. When Atricia finished, the goddess gently placed a hand on her shoulder. “You are safe here,” Annimkamakai assured her. “This is Holy ground, and no harm shall befall you here.”

With a deep breath, Annimkamakai made a decision. “I will help you,” she declared. “You shall be reborn as a demigoddess. In this new form, you will possess strength and power beyond mortal comprehension. You will be free from Yahweh’s reach and anyone else who might seek to harm you. Never again will you suffer as you have. But first, take a sharp rock from this land and stab yourself with it; your blood will shed upon Holy ground and you shall be reborn as a demigoddess . Once you become a demigoddess, not only will you no longer have to suffer like that again, but if anyone else does, you shall be able to deliver their tears and cries to the gods.”

Hope flickered in Atricia’s eyes for the first time since her ordeal began. She nodded, her heart swelling with gratitude but also fear and insecurity. Annimkamakai’s promise was a beacon of light in her darkest hour, offering her a chance at a new beginning, free from fear and pain. The transformation would mark the end of her suffering and the start of a powerful, new chapter in her existence. She grabbed the rock and stabbed herself through the heart.

As Atricia’s blood mingled with the sacred soil, a radiant light enveloped her. Her body transformed, pain giving way to an overwhelming sense of power and clarity. She rose, no longer a mere mortal but a demigoddess , with a mission to protect others from the pain she had endured. The forest, river, and holy ground bore witness to the birth of a new guardian, destined to bring hope and justice to those in need.

Word of Atricia’s fate eventually reached Yahweh’s ears, sparking a desire within him to become a demigod, invulnerable to harm. He knew, however, that the same benevolent goddess who had bestowed Atricia with her divine abilities would not grant him the same favor. Determined to achieve his goal by any means necessary, Yahweh scoured ancient maps and sacred texts, searching tirelessly for a place of great spiritual power. After an exhaustive quest, he finally discovered the birthplace of Herika, the goddess herself.

Feigning injury and claiming abandonment by his people, Yahweh fabricated a story of persecution, asserting that his own kin sought his life. Moved by his tale of woe and touched by his seemingly humble demeanor, the compassionate Herika decided to grant Yahweh the same divine powers she had given to Atricia. With his newfound abilities, Yahweh felt a surge of exhilaration and a dark desire to test the limits of his powers.

He began his reign of chaos by overseeing the evolution of the Hinki, guiding their transformation into what would eventually become modern humans. Instead of nurturing them, he chose to torment them. Yahweh unleashed his wrath upon the world, summoning storms that struck with deadly thunderbolts, decimating livestock and ravaging crops. His malicious actions plunged the world into turmoil and despair.

Witnessing the havoc Yahweh wrought, Maheai’ja, another powerful deity, decided that the world could no longer endure his malevolence. In a monumental effort, she initiated the splitting of the world, a process intended not only to promote individuality but also to scatter humanity across the globe, making it harder for Yahweh to manipulate them into ending humanity. This, however, was no swift task. As Maheai’ja worked tirelessly to divide the continents, Yahweh concocted a plan to annihilate humanity.

He poisoned the fruits of a tree with two lethal plagues, ensuring that anyone who consumed them would perish. As Adam and Eve, a couple in search of sustenance, wandered into this holy ground, Yahweh saw his chance. He deceived them, claiming that eating the fruit would grant them eternal life. Trusting his words, for deceit was unknown in the world, they approached the tree.

At that critical moment, Annimkamakai, another deity with a protective heart, intervened. Transforming into a serpent, she slithered close, allowing Adam and Eve to perceive her outside the sacred boundaries. She revealed Yahweh’s true intentions, warning them of the deadly consequences. Yahweh, enraged by her interference and now filled with an even deeper hatred for humanity, plotted further destruction.

However, by the time he devised a new scheme, Maheai’ja had completed her task. The world was now separated, its inhabitants scattered. Foiled but not defeated, Yahweh retreated into his thoughts, scheming once more. He envisioned a plan so dark and terrible, one that would require acts of unspeakable cruelty, yet Yahweh, driven by his insatiable thirst for power and control, did not hesitate.

Seeking an ally in his dark endeavors, Yahweh set his sights on Quatica, the goddess of the oceans. He approached her with false charm, attempting to seduce her with flattery and promises of shared power. Quatica, however, was not easily swayed. She saw through Yahweh’s deceitful intentions and rejected his advances, demanding that he leave her domain at once. That’s when Yahweh’s demeanor shifted from manipulative to monstrous. He grabbed Quatica by her wrist with a vice-like grip and threw her violently onto the cold, unyielding floor. Ignoring her cries and desperate pleas, he assaulted her just as he had done to Atricia. Quatica’s voice, filled with pain and terror, begged him to stop, but Yahweh was deaf to her suffering. When he finally relented, a sinister satisfaction gleaming in his eyes, he issued a chilling threat: if she did not flood the entire world, he would subject her to the same horror again.

Quatica, her body trembling and her spirit shattered, stared into Yahweh’s cold, merciless eyes. She saw the cruel intent in his gaze and knew he would make good on his threat. With tears streaming down her face and trauma searing her mind, Quatica began the agonizing task of flooding the world. Her divine powers, once a source of life and beauty, now became instruments of destruction.

As the waters rose, covering fields and forests, mountains and valleys, a man named Noah found himself aboard his sturdy boat. By some stroke of fate or divine intervention, his vessel was buoyed by the swelling waves. The same happened for other races scattered across the globe; humanity was, once again, spared from total annihilation, but countless lives were still lost to the relentless floodwaters.

Quatica, her heart heavy with guilt and sorrow, fled to her mother, Maheai’ja. She recounted the nightmarish ordeal, her voice breaking with each word. Maheai’ja listened, her eyes filling with sorrow for her daughter’s pain. She wanted nothing more than to avenge Quatica and bring Yahweh to justice. However, with Yahweh now wielding the powers of a god, Maheai’ja found herself powerless to punish him. The balance of divine power prevented her from acting against him directly, leaving her with a deep sense of helplessness and frustration.

Though unable to exact immediate retribution, Maheai’ja vowed to find a way to protect her daughter and ensure that Yahweh’s tyranny would one day come to an end. She embraced Quatica, offering her solace and a promise that they would work together to counter Yahweh’s malevolence. The tides of divine conflict had been set in motion, and the struggle for justice had only just begun.

The tale of Atricia’s fate spread across the Asian and European territories like wildfire, whispered in the marketplaces, and murmured in the quiet corners of villages. Her story was a gripping narrative of divine interaction and human folly, captivating the imagination of all who heard it. However, as time passed and storytellers turned to new tales, Atricia’s legend began to fade from memory. The lack of written records hastened its descent into obscurity, until it was nearly forgotten by the world.

In a strange twist of fate, the very obscurity of Atricia’s tale sparked a peculiar trend among the people. Inspired by her story, they began to mimic her actions, seeking favor from the gods. Yet, the gods had grown wiser and more discerning. They no longer tolerated such naive gestures. These acts of devotion, born out of a long-forgotten myth, led many to their deaths without divine intervention or reward. As the story was forgotten, so too were the reasons behind these tragic sacrifices.

With Atricia’s tale relegated to myth, people began to worship false gods, creating new deities to fill the void left by the old ones. This shift in belief was both a concern and a non-issue for the gods. While most civilizations moved on with their new pantheon, one group in particular drew the attention of the gods: the Israelites.

The Israelites maintained that Atricia’s story was true, holding fast to the belief that Yahweh, their god, had been justified in his actions. Yet, aware that their views were controversial, they formed a secretive cult under the leadership of a man named Abraham. This group aimed to spread their interpretation of the tale among their people, fostering a community rooted in their unique faith.

Feai’ka, one of the ancient gods, decided to punish the Israelites for their defiance and their worship of what he saw as a false god. He decreed a harsh fate for them: they would be conquered repeatedly, driven from their homes, persecuted for their beliefs, and subjected to endless suffering. This divine retribution manifested in the long history of hardship faced by the Jewish people.

However, the great mother Maheai’ja, a deity of compassion and forgiveness, intervened on behalf of the Israelites. She persuaded Feai’ka to promise that one day, the Jewish people would be redeemed. Their suffering would not be eternal. She envisioned a future where they would live in prosperity and peace, their hardships forgotten.

Maheai’ja’s vision for the Israelites was one of a Utopian existence. She imagined a land akin to the mythical Aluminak, where flowers bloomed in perpetual beauty, and crops were always abundant. In this paradise, animals would willingly offer their gifts and sacrifices to humans in exchange for protection, creating a harmonious balance between all living beings. It was a world where every human desire and need would be fulfilled, a land of luxury, hope, and gentleness.

In this promised future, the Jewish people would finally have their eyes opened to the truth and live a life free from suffering. Their journey would be one from persecution to prosperity, a testament to the enduring spirit of their faith and the eventual mercy of the gods.

Soon, Yahweh’s fake and sugarcoated story was shared. They completely left out Atricia and Dunnos and made it seem like he was born and created as a god. They perceived him as a father figure who smiled upon his children and granted their prayers. This boosted Yahweh’s confidence as he believed that since more people believed in him that he could get away with whatever he wanted. So he created two places one was called heaven and one was called hell, basically like Aluminak and Hekkinak. He demanded that people worship him or they’d be sent to the bad place. Many who were kind at heart but believed that Yahweh was not worthy of worship. Because of their disbelief of him he sent them to the bad place. However he also sent bad people who did believe in him to the good place.

The unfairness of Yahweh was greatly ignored and anyone who was to dare question it was punished severely by either him or the people who followed him. The world was chaos which Yahweh didn’t mind, he didn’t care what happened to his people just as long as they worshiped him and met up to hid demands. He let wars happen and let disease spread. He let crops die out and natural disasters to occur.

Yahweh’s confidence grew so he once again decided to approach Quatica and rape her, this time for mere satisfaction. Quatica told him to leave her alone, she even tried to escape into the waters, the one place Yahweh wouldn’t go. Yahweh pulled her out of the water and began to rape her. Quatica begged him to stop but he wouldn’t listen to her. Once he was satisfied he feared the punishment of the gods so he threatened her not to tell anyone. Quatica, full of trauma and fear kept her mouth shut. However it soon came to be that Yahweh got Quatica pregnant which made Annimkamakai question Quatica as to how she got pregnant.

With tears beginning to form Quatica explained to Annimkamakai what had happened. Annimkamakai, full of rage and hatred, especially towards Yahweh but Yahweh was a demigod now, and it is a crime for gods to do anything directly to gods but Annimkamakai was determined to deliver justice. She had seen the horrible things Yahweh had done to all sorts of different people, not just Quatica or Atricia, she’s seen how he’s let wars happen for his sake.

Annimkamakai decided to break the number one rule against gods which was to never punish the innocent for the crimes of the guilty Annimkamakai had rats eat from the same tree that was going to be used to end humanity and spread that plague into Europe. However, the plague soon spilled out into Asia which Annimkamakai hadn’t intended to happen but there was nothing she could do about it. With everyone dying, everyone began to question Yahweh and stopped believing in him, which weakened Yahweh by a lot. He was filled with rage and tried to hurt Annimkamakai but Annimkamakai transformed into a snake and bit him with it, causing a paralyzing venom to grow through his veins but didn’t kill him, only left him in constant pain for a few years.

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