Ambassador for Diversity | Teen Ink

Ambassador for Diversity

December 16, 2013
By Nisha Ramanathan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Nisha Ramanathan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
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Empathy for others and open mindedness are the basic traits of a quality human being. Growing up in the U.S., I have always made sure to keep my Indian heritage alive in addition to being very involved in improving the community I live in. Together, these have helped me gain a multicultural perspective and community awareness that will enable me to be the perfect ambassador for diversity.

Entering high school, I immediately joined Key Club, my high school’s community service organization. I went from being a general member to executive board member to Vice President to eventually President in my senior year. Each week I organize Bingo for the elderly and soccer for kids with special needs. I have also assisted the Retzer Nature Center both by volunteering and helping them get volunteers. I have done bell ringing for the Salvation Army, trick o’ treat for UNICEF, cookie baking at the Ronald McDonald House, Christmas present distribution to poor families, volunteering at the local library, and even helped teachers get ready for the school year. I love making a difference in my community.

From a young age, I have had exposure to both Indian and American cultures. At home we celebrate all Indian as well as American holidays. Every few years, I visit India, giving me the opportunity to experience the culture first hand. I have used these trips not merely as a vacation but also as an opportunity to make a difference in those communities by conducting charity drives for orphanages. In addition, I have friends belonging to different religions including Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Sikhism, which has helped me gain respect for all religions. Also, I have been learning Indian Classical Dance, which has been a great way for me to stay in touch with my roots. I have participated in outreach programs to expose people to this art form. I have also been able to watch other forms of dance, which has educated me in diversity, helping me to further understand various cultures. Lastly, growing up in a bilingual household has given me the drive to learn different languages. While English is my first language, I can also understand my native tongue of Tamil. Furthermore, I have been learning Spanish in school, and my goal is to become fluent. This year I am taking AP Spanish, and I am also a member of the Spanish Club and the Spanish Honors Society. All in all, I am a well-rounded individual who has an appreciation for several cultures.

I firmly believe that I would be the ideal candidate for the Morrill Scholars Program. Not only have I been active in my community, I have also gathered rich experiences that have made me welcome and appreciate diversity. Volunteering has given me the important values of leadership, empathy and dedication. My heritage and upbringing have endowed me with a uniquely multi-cultural perspective. I look forward to enriching the Ohio State campus community with my leadership skills and dedication to diversity.

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