How to Make Shrimp Fried Rice | Teen Ink

How to Make Shrimp Fried Rice

November 19, 2018
By sdames BRONZE, Culpeper, Virginia
sdames BRONZE, Culpeper, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wondered how Japanese steakhouses make their famous shrimp fried rice? Making this scrumptious entree isn’t as hard as it may seem, and it can be done in less than an hour. That being said, wash your hands and get moving to the kitchen!

First, you’ll want to gather your ingredients. For a family of six, the main ingredients are 3 cups of rice, 3 eggs, a diced onion, one head of garlic (more or less depending on preference), 1 lemon (if desired), 1 1/2 pounds of shrimp, parsley, a cup of yum-yum sauce, 1/3 cup of soy sauce, 1/3 cup of teriyaki sauce, 2 teaspoons of Sriracha sauce, 6 tablespoons of butter, parsley, salt, and pepper. To begin with, all ingredients, besides the rice, can be set aside.

Second, in a large bowl, add three cups of rice. Next, add warm water to rinse off any additional starch. Because this meal is full of carbohydrates, you’ll want to eliminate as much starch as possible. Rotate your wrist in a counterclockwise direction to rinse every grain of rice. Drain the water and repeat the rinsing process two to three times. Then, add warm water to the rice and allow it to soak for approximately twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, place the rice in a large pot and add enough water so that it lies just above the rice. Cover the pot and let it sit on medium heat for 15 minutes.

Third, while the rice is cooking, dice one onion, mince a head of garlic, and chop five baby carrots. Note, a smaller amount of garlic can be added if prefered. If desired, other vegetables, such as peas, can be added to the dish.

Next, in a wok, fry three eggs, mixing in a tablespoon or two of soy sauce, a tablespoon of butter, and some salt and pepper. Scramble the eggs on medium level heat until lightly browned. Then, add the garlic, onions, carrots, and another tablespoon of butter. Mix the ingredients together. Once these ingredients have browned, add the rice.

With the rice, add 3 tablespoons of butter, 3/4 cup of yum yum sauce, 1/3 cup of soy sauce, 1/3 cup of teriyaki sauce, 2 teaspoons of Sriracha sauce, a dash of seasoned salt, pepper, and parsley flakes. Mix the ingredients together in the wok, then set it aside on medium heat for five minutes to fry. Rotate the rice occasionally so that it doesn’t burn, but let it sit long enough to get a fried and crispy texture.

Then, while the rice is frying, peel and remove the tails of a pound and a half of raw and deveined, large shrimp. When removing the tails, pinch the tail and remove slowly to ensure you get as much of the fish as possible (view the diagram below showing where to pinch).

Once peeled, add the shrimp and a tablespoon of butter to a large sauté pan on medium heat. After the shrimp has acquired a pinkish color, add 1/4 cup of yum-yum sauce, 3 tablespoons of teriyaki sauce, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, a dash of salt, pepper, and parsley flakes, and a teaspoon of Old Bay seasoning. If desired, lemon juice and zest can be added for a savoring flavor. Reduce the heat and stir the ingredients together.

Finally, add the shrimp to the rice and mix them together. Now, sit back and enjoy the mouth watering meal.

The author's comments:

This mouth watering meal can be made in about an hour, and boy, oh boy it is worth it!!!

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