Narrative Brainstorming | Teen Ink

Narrative Brainstorming

September 13, 2023
By xgragg1 BRONZE, North Augusta, South Carolina
xgragg1 BRONZE, North Augusta, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   “Nothing is more painful to a human mind than a great and sudden change”-Mary Shelley. Sudden events occur in people's lives all the time, both major and minor. Some may be life altering while others insignificant. A sudden event that I went through that changed my life was when I was placed in foster care for 2 years.

When I was a little kid, just 7 years old,  I used to get over emotional or stressed about things around me, like family problems or struggles. But, as I grew up and matured , I realized that everyone has his or her problems and that I have it better than most people around the world with clean water, heaters, electricity,  shelter , and food. So, instead of wallowing in my sadness,  I would try  to not let the things affect my mood. I would let things  come at me and slide right off, like water off  of a duck,  as if it never happened.  I could almost block it out completely. After that moment,  I would listen and sympathize with the person. For Example, when I was told of my grandmother’s diagnosis of cancer, I had to slowly watch her fade away. When she passed, I was there to sympathize with my family and consoled them the best way a 8 year old could  with caring actions and words of affirmation.  But I still had no emotion on my face, and my family asked me if I was ok, trying to force me to feel an emotion that I just couldn't . Now, it feels like I've blocked off any type of negative feelings. But, not because I’m afraid of feeling sad, but because I focus on the  eagerness or happiness in my life like how i've finally gotten to see ,my sister after not being able to talk to her for years and finding out that I have a nephew named Chance i've been doing better in school around this time last year with turning in my assignments and paying attention I have matured from self centered mindsets and I have grown to appreciate life more and see things for  how beautiful they really are I’m starting to realize what I want to do in life I know the colleges and universities that I would like to attend after high school. I'm starting to get scholarships from different schools and coaches have been texting me for football to come on unofficial visits. I’m becoming a better listener and i’ve gotten better at talking about  my feelings and how things have impacted me. I've realized what majors and minors I would like to do in college, and I now understand some of the things that I want out of life like a happy healthy marriage. I would love to have kids and a nice open yard with a dog and a cat on a water area somewhere in Texas maybe, I know that I would prefer for my house to be on the smaller side with more land I in the past couple of of weeks life has started to make a little more sense instead of being so terrified of growing up I now want my birthdays to come so I can enjoy them with the people i value the most.

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