I am a Tree | Teen Ink

I am a Tree

October 19, 2023
By Moonz BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Moonz BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If you don't like something, change it If you can’t change it, change your attitude” -Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou once said “If you don't like something, change it If you can’t change it, change your attitude”. My name is Luna, but my name isn’t who I am. I am a sister, a daughter, a student but most importantly I am a tree. Well not really, I don't have leaves or a woody trunk but I do have roots and I grow, I change and just like a tree my environment shapes me, it shapes who I am and who I will become. Life isn't always easy for a tree to grow but that doesn’t mean it won't try to thrive and grow. The relationships I’ve built throughout my life have taught me and formed me into the person I am today. My studies are who I am and how I grow my mind and my dreams. Like a tree I will grow and thrive no matter what circumstances or challenges that come my way.

Throughout my life I’ve met people and I've lost people but one thing that stayed the same in all relationships is that they taught me something. You can only grow if you are willing to lose and learn. Like in middle school my friends were fun and awesome in my eyes they could never do wrong, but after sometime I realized that they weren’t as great as I thought they were but I stayed friends with them even when they damaged our relationship I stayed knowing that I would be alone if I didn’t. After some time I realized that being alone isn’t as bad as being repeatedly hurt by the same people. Now that I have grown out of my fear of being alone I have found friends who care for me and have found value in myself that I didn’t have before.

Since I can remember I've always taken my studies and my classes seriously no matter what class it was I always tried my best to stay on top of my work. I didn't just do my work because my teachers told me to do it, I did it because I knew that if I worked hard in my studies I would grow in one way or another. I also did it because of that sense of completion and self pride knowing that I completed something and I did it to the best of my ability. I like knowing that I was able to grow and have someone guide me as I grew and continue to grow.

A tree represents not only growth but new life and that’s what I see in my future. I want to be a maternity nurse because I want to see the beautiful beginnings of a new life, of a new journey. I’ve always taken a liking to babies and I want to take that and use it to help people. I hope to grow in a positive way in the future and be successful in my line of work.I will take my studies seriously and my relationships to help me get the job I want  .This is what I see in my future. 

There is no real way to sum up who I am as I am many things but one thing I am everyday is growth.I am always growing my knowledge in school and in life. I grow to learn how to be a better person each and every day. I used to be shy and even scared to change but I’ve grown to know change isn’t as bad as I initially thought, it's a way to move forward and step out of a bubble I created for myself.I hope to use my growth in the future to help others with their growth. There is never a day I stop growing, just like a tree.

The author's comments:

This is an essay about who i think i am and how i want people to see me. I'm more than just what you can see.

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