Tryout | Teen Ink


May 17, 2024
By Anonymous

November 25th, The first day of school after Thanksgiving break. I had my first high school hockey tryouts at Breakaway ice center in Tewksbury. The tryouts started right at 3 P.M so I had to rush from school to make it on time.The tryouts were all week long, from monday to friday.  As a freshman I wasn't really expecting to make the varsity team but I knew I had a shot. The first day I was really nervous but towards the end of the week my confidence grew. At the end of the tryouts I didn't hear my names called by the coach to meet in the other locker room, I was extremely disappointed in myself and the coaches for not giving me a chance. 

 After that I felt like I really should have been given a chance during the preseason scrimmages after I heard a few of my other friends have been called up to play a game. I asked around to find out if the coach was gonna call anyone else up to play but he never did. This had a big effect on my life because this is where I began to push forward and realize that if I worked hard enough for something it could be possible.

 The first jv game was right around the corner and i was not too excited to start but i had the mindset that if i could play the best hockey i could the varsity coach would see and possibly call me up. Throughout the first couple of games I was playing well, scoring plenty of goals and having plenty of points but the varsity coach was yet to show up to a game to watch. I began to lose hope until he showed up at one of the games on January 13th, 11;30 am puck drop. I knew going into the game that I had to play as hard as I could. We won 3-1 against wakefield. I scored all 3 goals, recording a hat trick in front of the varsity coach. After that Saturday game I sat waiting for anything to happen. All I wanted was to hear one thing from the coach. On Sunday night I got a text from the captain of the varsity team telling me the coach wanted me at the practice the next day. After that text is when I really began to believe. I knew that all I had to do 

was play my best infront of him and prove to him that I could keep up with the team. That week came to an end, after I practiced hard all week I got asked to dress for the next varsity game against Burlington on Saturday January 20th. 3:00 pm was the game's start time.                                                                                                                       

I was extremely nervous but I was also confident. I played center on the third line when I won every faceoff that I took during the game. My highlight of the game was intercepting a pass from the defenseman when I almost scored. After that game I got moved up to left wing on the second line where I stayed for the remainder of the season. I ended the season with 3 goals and 2 assists. My most crucial goal was in the first round of the playoffs where I scored the game winning goal. 

From this experience in my life I learned that anything is possible. If you want something as bad as you want to lay in bed after a long day, you can achieve it. This example should show that you should never give up on your dreams.

The author's comments:

I wrote this in class and posted for extra credit. 

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