Future | Teen Ink


November 30, 2010
By Anonymous

You will find me at the site of a terrorist attack as I will be the key to whether or not you know the victims. You might see me on TV testifying in court. People will approach me regarding information about people I don't even know. Instead of stacks of letters, piles of dead bodies will be sent to my office. In the future, I will travel the country in times of terrorism, natural disasters, and other tragedies, as a Forensic Dentist, identifying dead bodies lost in the debris.

You see, I am a very family oriented person. Just the thought of not knowing the whereabouts of a family member is almost too much for me to handle. As I watch helplessly from the safety of my living room, I couldn't help but feel their salty tears stream down my cheeks and the sharp pangs of loss stab at my heart. How will I be sure that my donated $20 will go the distance in changing the predicaments of any of these unfortunate onlooking families? No, it mustn't stop there. Imagine walking by dead bodies and each time wondering, "Could this be my sister?" No, my interest is not in how morbid and/or cool the profession is but in helping families, who have lost loved ones, with closure.

However, our world is also divided. Wealth is only a chance of birth, and many of us only have a vague view of how most of the world isn't so lucky. There is the side whose biggest concerns are day-to-day social and academic inconveniences. Then there is the 'other side': those countries that lie opposite our country on the economic spectrum. They lie so outside the boundaries of our peripheral vision that it's hard for most of us to have any real understanding of their situations. But both sides do have something in common: they are at risk for the same disasters we are.

For people in such already deteriorating conditions, these disasters can be ten times more devastating. In that sense, loved ones can be ten times harder to find. The limited resources of these third world countries has inspired an idea of how I can help on the international level: maybe one day I can establish dental systems around the world, for both hygienic and identification purposes, so that during times of terrorism, natural disasters, and other tragedies that occur internationally, I will be able to help people in those situations, wherever they may be.

People complain that my dreams are 'too big to be feasible' but I find their ways of thinking unreasonable. After all, why only keep ourselves familiar with the tiny percentage of the world we experience on a normal basis? If we were meant to do just that, then why was the world made to be so big, with so many different places and people? Easy, we were meant to experience them.

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