What is Diversity? | Teen Ink

What is Diversity?

October 6, 2011
By zhuzhu1169 BRONZE, New York, New York
zhuzhu1169 BRONZE, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Diversity is living in Chinatown and having dim sum with my Chinese speaking parents every Sunday morning. Diversity is going to school and having Korean, Bengali and half Dominican and Polish friends. Diversity is eating Halal food from street stands, dining in fancy Italian restaurants and simultaneously enjoying a McDonald’s cheeseburger. But diversity extends far beyond race and culture. Diversity is when I see variety among the people walking down the streets. Hipsters, businessmen, fobs, and punks. Girls with pink hair and guys who carry purses. Diversity is about embracing these differences. Each difference is a puzzle piece, simply an excerpt of a larger picture. A person is unique with a vibrant color, and like a puzzle piece, each person is pieced together, and a beautiful picture is made. This beautiful picture is diversity.

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