That One Thing | Teen Ink

That One Thing

May 9, 2013
By Anonymous

Personal Essay: What to do
Most people have some sort of story, something incredible, or life-changing. My story defined who I am, and taught me how to deal with tough situations. I have been told I am good at dealing with different situations. Like, if someone was to ask me to do my homework, I have problems getting that done. But, if someone was to ask me to take care of their family I would do it in a heartbeat.
Growing up I had to do it by myself. My parents got a divorce when I was around seven years old. For a single mother, raising two children under the age of twelve, she did her best. But more times than not, she would leave and go to the bar with her girlfriend. When it came to those nights, it was either be babysat by a problematic teen, or take care of myself. I always chose to take care of myself.
As a seven, going on eight, year old, I did the best I could. When my mom would leave I would have to make dinner for myself and make sure I went to bed at the right time. I found it weird, she would be gone at night, but she would wake me up in the morning for school. But when I got home, she would be gone. It was like living two lives sometimes. It was always the same, go to school, deal with kids, come home, make food, and sleep. I had a routine and I knew what to do, and when to do it.
I never had help with homework. I never had help learning how to do things. I never had to be instructed on simple life tasks. I feel that out of my hardship growing up I realized that I don’t need to be babysat with everything I did. To this day I have always scheduled my own appointments, made sure I ate, and did my own laundry. I learned that my parents are here to help me be who I want to be, and to mold my own personality.
I learned that when tough times get even tougher, I can pull through it. No one can tell me I am not going to do something. Or that I am not going to be able to achieve something. My personality has changed since then as well. I know now, that I am in control of what I do with my life and that no one can bring me down to their level. Some people will never learn that, some learn it early. But, I know for a fact that without those once horrible memories, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.

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