Brutal Attacks | Teen Ink

Brutal Attacks

May 20, 2013
By Brooke Stoermer BRONZE, Trophy Club, Texas
Brooke Stoermer BRONZE, Trophy Club, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I walked into the familiar classroom, the glares of the middle school girls directed me to the empty seat on the opposite side of the room. As they grouped around and whispered, the occasional scowls stabbed me in the back. As one of the messengers from the posse approached me, she explained that Haley, the ringleader, was going to beat me up after school. In disbelief, I laughed, wondering how the nonathletic girl planned to ever get close to me. Ignoring the gossip, I proceeded with my classwork but throughout the rest of the day, the consistent reports from others of the plan to “punch the ugliness” out of me started to sink in. In a panic, I ran to the bathroom and called my mom to come pick me up.

Subsequently, the explanation of my desperate phone call led my mom to report the incident to the principal. Returning to school the next day to face Haley was more challenging than words can explain. When the principal called Haley and me into the office, it was her story against my story with no evidence to prove anything. She denied every accusation of the threat, and her brainwashed clique members also rejected my claims. The meeting ended with Haley hugging me in an effort to defend her reputation to the principal.

Throughout middle school, the two-faced characteristic of Haley controlled and manipulated my friendships. The inconsistent and unreliable girls of the school resulted in my complete independence. Although I yearned for a best friend to hangout with, Haley’s malicious attacks kept others from ever wanting to befriend me. I was alone and therefore focused on schoolwork and studied the traits of a good friend.

Although Haley’s impact on my life negatively affected me, the experience of mean girls developed my understanding of the powerful influence that words have on others. When I switched schools before my eighth grade year, I left the trouble of Haley and strived to be the most uplifting and encouraging friend to everyone. Her vicious words and actions gave me the experience to aspire to never cause anyone that pain. Haley’s influence on my life is an important reminder for the manner in which I aspire to treat others.

The author's comments:
I had to write this on a person who impacted my life.

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