Current Activities Matched With Future Goals | Teen Ink

Current Activities Matched With Future Goals

May 20, 2013
By heatherannew BRONZE, Argyle, Texas
heatherannew BRONZE, Argyle, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Junior Year, almost to the end, close to being a senior, yet far from graduating. The

question that never fails to be asked continues to come across with almost every adult I have a

conversation with... "Where do you think you will go to college"? It is almost like even the

slightest stutter or pause to the question would be frowned upon by the adult who is just all so

suddenly interested in my future decision. And then, the next question "What do you think you

want to study"? Now this is the question I can just about answer without a doubt every time. I am

sure of my future occupation, yet skeptical about my future college choice.With my occupation

in mind, I am sure the perfect college for me will align with the perfect occupation and goals I

have in mind.

My name is Heather Willet and I want to become a future child-life counselor that

specializes with children that have been through horrific circumstances medically, physically and

emotionally. My goal is to one day work for Make A Wish Foundation where I can not only help

make terminally ill children's dream's become possible, but communicate with them on regards

of meeting their emotional needs. I hope to work in a positive, creative, uplifting environment

where I can simply talk too and encourage children all day long. I believe my current extra-

curricular activities will most definitely help me get there.

My first current activity I am involved in that will benefit my future, is my participation

in doing volunteer work for my church in the children's ministry where I teach Sunday School.

By encouraging words and constant involvement in keeping the church classroom a positive, fun

environment, skills are developed and practiced. I believe by connecting with the children in the

church, and being involved in the ministry, I can learn from my experience and use that to aid my
future occupation.

My second current extra-curricular activity that would help achieve my future goals

would be my part-time job as a babysitter for children from ages three to ten. I am connected

with at least four different families where I watch their children on a monthly basis. By being

connected with several types of kids, each having unique personalities I can learn to relate to

various personality types. I believe my active involvement in spending quality time with kids

ranging from different ages and different personalities, can develop skills that will help me relate

to with whom I will work with in the future.

My last extra-curricular activity I have been previously involved in are spring mission

trips with my school. For the past three years, I have been given an amazing opportunity to travel

and connect with people in foreign city's such as Guatemala City, Guatemala and San

Salvador,El Salvador. My heart has been greatly impacted by these two countries. I believe by

witnessing and communicating with children across the nation, learning about their hardships

and teaching them about true joy and fulfillment will make an awesome impact in my future

occupation. Due to my heart for children and my love of helping, I hope to one day adopt a child

from a foreign country. I believe I have been blessed with the gift of encouragement and I am

super excited to see how I can use that to achieve my goals. It is all about bringing peace, love

and joy to this broken world and making it beautiful.

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