Lists | Teen Ink


December 16, 2013
By Nisha Ramanathan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Nisha Ramanathan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is so much to do and so little time. But I have discovered the secret to remembering my commitments and completing them efficiently. The trick to my success is not a super-human memory or lightning-fast reflexes. It is, simply, lists.

List one: Homework. When I return home from school, I never have that heart stopping moment thinking I have forgotten something in my locker. I am confident that I wrote down everything I needed for the evening and then double checked it as I placed the binders and books into my backpack. I don’t have to pick my brain to remember what the AP Calculus homework is because it’s written down on line two of my assignment notebook. Is there going to be a test in Accounting on Thursday? I don’t have to worry because if there is it’s already written down with a study plan attached.

List two: Key Club. Being Co-President of Key Club, I have numerous responsibilities. The most demanding of my time is weekly Bingo and TOPS soccer. I maintain a list to keep track of who is volunteering each week. At the beginning of each month, I send out an email and members respond. The night before, I send out a reminder text, just in case.

List three (my personal favorite): Book list. I am an avid reader. But unlike most readers, I have a system. Every book I read goes on my list. This way I am able to re-read books I enjoyed or recommend them to others. Then there are the books I want to read. As people give recommendations, I add them to my list so I remember to read them. Finally, there is the “soon to come out” list. Any incomplete series with an upcoming book gets added to that list with the exact date of release.

These are just a few of the many lists that I use to organize my life. Organization is important to me because it is how I stay on top of the activities competing for my time. However, my list-making is going on behind the scenes. My friends and family know that I am hardworking and reliable; they just don’t know how much planning is required. Next item on my to-do list: College essay. Check!

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