College Essay | Teen Ink

College Essay

December 16, 2013
By Jennifer Fried BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Jennifer Fried BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gazing around the event grounds, excitement burst out of the young children as they ran around the field. The day was a Key Club volunteer event at Zachariah’s Acres, specifically designed for children with special needs. Although the event was not an extravagant one, I couldn’t help but smile at the joy in the childrens’ faces and the knowledge that I had helped to create it.
When I arrived, all was quiet as I assembled games and activities. However, once the children arrived, the craziness began. They ran around, laughing and shouting, playing with every toy. Some built bird houses or decorated flower pots, while others attempted sandcastles in the sandbox. The day’s activities were simple, but for these children, it was an amusement park. It was heartwarming to sit with each child and listen to them tell the story of his or her disability and how they lived with it. These children were inspiring.

Eventually, it was time to leave and I reluctantly said goodbye to the children. A girl I had played with came up to me and thanked me for being there and for spending a fantastic day with her. Then I knew my desire to teach children was the right path for me. I understood the impact even the simplest of gestures have on children, especially these children. I provided them with support and knowledge and I helped them realize they are not alone.

It is the things I experienced at Zachariah’s Acres that I will be bringing to campus in the fall. Things such as helping people understand and adjust to new environments, the importance of teamwork and dedication towards a greater cause, and most importantly, seeing how one person’s actions can make a positive and lasting impact on others.The move to college is a big step and I hope that my experiences will help me through this transition and teach others-especially children-how make it through the difficult challenges they may face in their lives.

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