Looking Up To | Teen Ink

Looking Up To

September 24, 2014
By C_L_Y BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
C_L_Y BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   Everyone on Earth is different, so everyone is going to have different inspirations. When it comes to me, I aspire to become more of a normal person like him. Because his story hit so close to home for me, it seemed like looking in a mirror.The person that has impacted my life so much is my friend, Mark.

   It may seem odd that I picked just a normal guy; add that to the fact that I have not known him too long, but I have very good reasons. One of such reasons is the fact that he has gone through many hardships in his life, but he’s come out on the other side a better person than before said hardships. This inspired me to become a better person like him because I have gone through many of the same hardships as him, but the difference was that I did not take anything from them. If anything, I let these situations make me a more bitter person. However, after meeting Mark, I realized that I should not let these situations define me as a person.

   However, I did not choose Mark as my inspiration for for only one reason; I also chose him for everything he has physically done for me. One such example is after I went through some prolonged family problems, I talked to him about it, and he talked me down and helped me realize that these problems are not everlasting. Basically, any time that I was going through a rough patch after I met Mark, he helped me to realize why I should not worry too much about it and how to do that. Although this is not as notable as the others, I still feel it should be addressed; any time that I had trouble with my math or engineering, he helped me to understand it which helped me pass. Overall, Mark has made such a positive impact on my life that I have completely changed my way of thinking about life. He has taught me to take positives out of the negatives in life and to always be a good person, even if you have had a bad day. No matter what, Mark will always have more impact than any celebrity or historical figure, and I think it is blatantly obvious why that is.

The author's comments:

I really want someone to look at the people closest to them and see that they have more positive impact on their life than they originally thought.

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