Lyndon State | Teen Ink

Lyndon State MAG

By Anonymous

   Lyndonville, VT: When I traveled to upstate Vermont to visit Lyndon State College, the scenery was beautiful, with peak foliage along I-91. After a four-hour drive, I arrived in the small town of Lyndonville expecting to see the college immediately. Instead, my family and I drove two miles up a hill on a narrow road before I saw a large stone block with Lyndon State College inscribed on it.

We arrived at the main lobby, and I was interviewed by a very nice lady who made me more comfortable. I then saw the Director of the Meteorology Department, who described what to expect and how to prepare for the major. The department is very small, but filled with computers and weather equipment.

I then met my tour guide. I saw the gigantic indoor pool and two gymnasiums used for intramural sports. The guide also showed me rooms used for tutors and editors for homework assignments.

We then saw the dorms, six separate buildings set up in a circular form. The dorms are given the name "Stone Henge" for this pattern. Each dorm floor is made up of four corners or sections, each with its own kitchen and bathroom. The rooms are of average size, but can become crowded.

My tour guide then brought us outside and I saw the beautiful Green Mountains surrounding us. The campus is very small and far from town. It is surrounded by acres of trees and wooded lands, with a small pond located in the center of the campus.

The school's technology seems up-to-date. At a given time at night all the doors are locked. In case a student is locked out, he/she can slide a card through a scanner and the door automatically unlocks. There are many computers and each student is given his/her own email address.

Overall, the school would be a great college to visit, especially in the fall for its beautiful scenery. I personally recommend it to anyone interested in the sciences, education, or telecommunications. f

Reviewed in 1997

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i love this !