The house | Teen Ink

The house

October 3, 2018
By Ramadayboss BRONZE, Whitestown, Indiana
Ramadayboss BRONZE, Whitestown, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thunder cracked overhead. I hope it doesn't rain. My name is Davis. Davis Johnsen.  I was trudging along the old cracked up road, a little excited that I was going to a sleepover with my friends that lasted all night. I looked up, as a dark shadow, that blotted out all light, flew over my head.

I said “What was that”?  I forgot it until two minutes later when it happened again. My hands got sweaty as I thought of what that could be. After another five minutes it passed overhead again. Beads of sweat appeared on my forehead even though it was forty degrees outside. What was this ... this thing?

I watched for the next ten minutes standing still and didn’t see anything. This was getting weird. I set a brisk pace to make up for the lost time along the road keeping an eye on the sky, but there was nothing. When I got to the house the party was happening at nobody was there. At least there was no lights on. I knocked, nothing. I knocked again but harder this time and heard a thump inside. I painstakingly put my hand on the doorknob, locked.

What was happening? Did this have to do with the shadow? "Hello? Anybody there?”

No answer. I went to the back door, stepping over rotting wood and other various things  that had fallen off the house, and slowly knocked. Still nothing was happening. This IS getting really weird now. I don’t like this. Now I was beginning to think my friends were trying to prank me.

I was about to put my hand on the knob when the door opened by itself as if wind pushed it inviting me in. I didn't think it was wind. "I don't like where this heading", I whispered under my breath as I walked in. I found a lightswitch and flipped it, not thinking that there might not be a lightbulb or any electricity. As soon as I did I heard a loud creak on the rickety old stairs behind me. The lights didn’t come on. I searched for my phone for a flashlight. I pulled it out and it said the battery was dead. How is that possible? I was sure it was full when I left my house twenty minutes ago.

I frantically searched for my emergency flashlight not wanting to be left in the dark by myself with something that I didn't know. I turned it on and looked at the stairs. I saw something flit away out of the light. I kind of wanted to get my carcass out of here but I wanted to find out what was happening. I looked everywhere around me and there was dust everywhere. It looked like nobody had been here for hundreds of years. I forgot that my phone was dead and tried to call my friends. How did I already forget? I turned to go out of the house and the door slammed shut. My flashlight flickered off. I tried to turn it back on and it too was also out of battery.

I put my hand on the handle and I heard a strangled scream behind me. I whirled around and ducked as a round object flew past me so fast it ruffled my hair. A head? I frantically looked for a window to jump out of.

I scanned the room and saw one. I flew to it to get out only to be blocked by some headless creature that tried to hit me with its bloodied hands. It gurgled at me. The gurgle sounded very disgusting. I almost passed out with fright. I tried to yell but my throat was too dry. I backed up and felt a breath tingle on my neck. All the hairs, all over my body, that could stand up stood up. I shakily put a hand behind me and groped around. I felt something that was as cold as ice. It felt like a dead body.

I closed my eyes and slowly turned around. I didn't want to open my eyes they didn't listen.  I looked and saw two glowing things right in front of me.

“Helllllllllllllllp”. "I want to get out of here." I sprinted for the door and tripped and sprawled on my stomach.

I yelled "I'm going to rip that door off it's hinges before I die," I said as I got myself up and ran as fast as I could to the door and threw myself against it. The door gave way and I bolted so fast I thought I could of out ran the fastest person in the world. I yelled for help as loudly as I could. I saw the shadow go over me again. I ducked into an alley way and blacked out.

When I came to I saw stars in my head. I must have fell over and hit my head. I Stood up and groaned. I had a very bad headache. I walked to the road and headed to my house wary of all the things around me. I walked into my house that looked really new compared to the other one, even though my house was one hundred and fifty years old.

I took my key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. I walked inside and carefully went to a light switch and quickly put my hand on it. Just as quick I took it off.  Hallelujah, the lights came on. I plugged my phone in and it said my battery was full. Odd. It said it was dead not more than four hours ago at that h-house. As soon as I remembered my dark past at that house I got scared. I held the "on" button and waited for to turn on. I called my mom and asked how long it would take for her to get home. (She was at work.) She said about five minutes. I waited until she got home to tell her about what happened. I cautiously looked outside to see if she was here. Yesss. There is her car.  She walked in and I told her everything.

“Are you sure this actually happened?” my mom said after I finished.

The author's comments:

I think it is easier to write a story when you can write anything you want. I got the idea of my story being scary from my teacher Rayan Batsie.

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