Golden Dreams | Teen Ink

Golden Dreams

October 11, 2018
By Anonymous

This was it. This was our chance. And we knew it. My two brothers and I had been begging for a golden retriever puppy for as long as we could remember. Years after countless years without letting an opportunity pass by to pester our parents about the subject. There wasn’t a single chance we didn’t take to persuade our mom and dad to the best of our ability as to why our family was so deeply in need of this little furry friend. We were older now, more mature, and we knew that this time was the real deal, and we were going to succeed. For, approaching was my parent’s twentieth anniversary, and we needed to get them the perfect present.
My brothers and I arranged for a top secret meeting, held in my room, a couple days before the grand event. Well aware that this was the time we had to make it count, we threw all our best ideas into a vast brainstorm, of how exactly we were going to go about this plan. After endless excruciating debates, and hours of back and forth, we finally came to a conclusion. We decided the best way to display our argument was in a PowerPoint. So after dinner once we told our parents our goodnights, the three of us crept into my room without a sound. There we stayed up, far after what our parents would have approved of, and assembled what we believed to be a Power Point so persuasive, so divinely written, that not even the strictest of all parents would have been able to deny its excellence. All we could do now was get some rest, and prepare ourselves.
As the next morning fell upon us, we were up bright and early. Although in the evening of every one of my parents wedding anniversaries they always made sure to go out to dinner just themselves, they generally made it a family day that we all spent

together. We made them breakfast and brought them our crafty homemade cards. We watched a movie together afterwards and then sat around discussing how we should spend the day. My siblings and I looked at each other and nodded. We raced back to my room to grab the laptop and sprinted back to the living room, tripping over our steps.
A few anxious hours of ruthless debating later, we found ourselves galloping out of the pet store door; my parents, my siblings, and I, all laughing and arguing about who gets to hold the puppy in the car. Mission accomplished.

The author's comments:

I love dogs! :p

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