Pumpkin Spice and Everything Not So Nice | Teen Ink

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Not So Nice

December 2, 2018
By Anonymous

           Once upon a time on the perfect autumn day, Suzy cavorted down the leaf filled path ready to do her favorite autumn activity, pick her pumpkin. Suzy looked and looked but could not find the perfect pumpkin. The pumpkin had to be perfect! Finally, she found what she thought to be the perfect pumpkin, a beautifully rounded one with no discoloration. Suzy grabbed the pumpkin, payed, and made her way home. Once home, Suzy placed the pumpkin down and went to get the paint to start decorating her pumpkin. Boom! Suzy jumped and turned due to the noise. Suzy saw her perfect pumpkin had sprouted limbs and had a nefarious look on its face. The unwonted pumpkin grabbed the paint and started jumping and dancing getting paint everywhere! Suzy crouched and crawled to get behind the pumpkin hoping to catch him off guard. Her gambit worked. Suzy grabbed the pumpkin and held him with all her might. A halcyon feeling come over Suzy and her eyes slowly opened. She realised she must've fallen asleep after drinking some of her mom’s nasty, brackish  tasting Pumpkin Spice Latte. Suzy came to the conclusion she would know eschew from adult caffeine drinks from now on.

The author's comments:

A haunting tale of a Halloween suger rush gone wrong. 

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