Kaji | Teen Ink


December 20, 2018
By Anonymous

What an unbearably routine day. My grip tightens on the rapier in my master hand- it shines with a burning chill of crimson radiance. A lunge and parry would work. If I was facing anyone but this old man, anyway.

My instructor, a chiseled veteran, towered above me- his eyes colored like rotting gold, a hawk who knew blinking meant starvation. His hair slicked back: each strand ready to cut. This swordsman was fear incarnate: the only thing that didn’t bring immediate fear was his lack of scars. Yet, even that would turn to terror once one heard of the quantity and quality of whom he’s fought. For him, a lunge may make him laugh, but a parry would turn that rarity into a great ravine of disappointment.

They’re cutting me now, my nails. Digging into my fist so tightly coiled around a steel imprinted with  my very spirit. I will not disappoint. I cannot disappoint- far too many look to me for the future. If no sword can disarm this mortal, then I will bring far more than a sword.

Sparks fly from my left, as wind wraps around the red blade, daring to turn even my breath to dust. Right foot first, I dash to my left, towards his hand which wields a blade any giant would struggle to hold. I know his range is limited from this side, he must turn before the sword in his hand can go any further.

I release the shockwave built up in my hand- it should stun him for a moment, but only a moment. It doesn’t stop him. An energy only my eyes - the eyes of Kaji - can see is released. Once this pulse of color dissipates, so too do the razor winds. Even the static that warmed my hand had left me.

“While I’m sure Taii’ Basil would be pleased to find you retaining his lessons- this is swordsmanship training, young majesty.” Xavier broods, sheathing his sword onto his back while stepping closer.

“You’re the one that told me to ‘fight without restraint, without hesitation’. I’m just doing as you said,” I sharply retort.

He sighs, “I believed you to have enough common sense to understand that ‘without restraint’ was still limited to the blade alone.” He pauses, eye narrowed, ready to pounce. His posture tells a different story however. His shoulders stiffen, as if he were a mountain preparing to face grave gales. Altogether, the man before me appeared closer to a beast in an unknown land, rather than a mere human. Taking a silent breath and reciting the end all reprimand, he continues “As the heir to the great-”

“‘The great empire of Kaji: the land that holds more power and magic than all others. It is only your blood, those that are born with the eyes of Kaji, that can see and convene with all spirits. As such, you must hold yourself to a standard above men and never falter.’” I seat myself on the velveteen settee, glittering like the rise of the sun, even as the sun is cloaked in an impenetrable mask of silver. Holding my weight by my palm, I press forward “I hear that recital without end from Basil; I’d prefer if you- a man who’s greatest pleasantry is an upturned scowl- would refrain from preaching what you do not believe.” My gaze shifts to the grass that my feet barely reach: the perfect emerald, each blade perfectly trimmed to match, all at the perfect height to not be a hazard nor look unsightly. This ‘home’ is perfectly vile- this endless sea encaged in flawless stone, built to keep away the unsightly world beyond-the empire I am to rule.

An artless shifting of feet brings about more admonishment. “If you’d rather I lecture you on how to fell a giant, then perhaps you should take my lessons seriously.” A beat, then another, followed by a ceaseless quiet that the sun itself attempts to hide from: digging further into the refuge of clouds.

I’m thankful when Xavier releases a sigh that could stretch for a millenia, a final break to the silence- I do not know if it’s from relief or a return to sorrow. He takes a seat beside me. The settee screeches in pain, bending to his will in a desperate attempt to not break. “Young Majesty- Anais- I have served by your father’s side for nearly three decades now, I know the weight you carry.” His arm instinctually raises to hold his shoulder, where an ever simmering mark lies: an all seeing emerald eye. Does it cause pain? My retainer, Fane, who also bears the mark, claims that after being branded there is no suffering. Though I cannot trust his boast, as his immense pride would never allow him to admit to being so weak. Despite having screamed during the entire rite, he still swore that he felt nothing. Asking Xavier would be pointless however, as he too would most likely brush off the blood curdling screams with a stalwart frown and grunt, as any complaint would be no better than an attack on that brand-his greatest pride.

“Perhaps I should find a more equal opponent for you to face, as evidently you’re losing focus from my discussion of your performance.” This sudden spike in duels is almost staggering. Before this month it was always drills and finesse, but now his obsession with real combat- whether or not I have any semblance of a chance is just secondary- there is no sane reason to it. If I dared to leave the grounds, the only place where guards are not in view, I would only be chastised by Xavier, my retainers - by the emperor.

“Do you not think we’ve trained more than enough for one day?” I interject. I have no intention of wasting away listening to meaningless echoes. I rise and begin to walk towards the main hall, listening carefully for when Xavier dares to follow me. Silence. Aside from the light shuffle of the soft grass beneath my feet, I hear nothing. Pivoting on my left foot, I find my lifelong instructor still perched upon the settee. He stares upon the the dress of clouds the sun continues to hide behind- he is silent.

I step back; should I remain? Leave? Both options feel wrong, as though either would bring a great injustice to Xavier- the monster of the Kaji Empire. The legend that has fought off entire armies alone: a man who is feared.

Suddenly he speaks, gaze still locked on the clouds overhead, “losing a battle is truly frustrating, is it not?” Xavier finally looks at me: sharp eyes wielding a rare, nearly foreign softness, that I last saw over a decade ago. Those eyes attempted to calm me, desperately attempting to distract me from the bodies of my kidnappers that slowly pool into scarlet. “I’m amazed at how someone so stubborn can somehow also be prone to constantly losing focus” Xavier sighs, snapping my attention back to him.

“I can focus whenever it is necessary! I was going to take my leave, but you decided to continue talking- you should be grateful for my consideration!” I prepare to turn back around, but Xavier continues to speak despite my actions.

“For your sake I hope that you are exceptionally bad at boasting, rather than an exceptionally poor liar.” He pauses, waiting to see if I take another spiteful step away. I don’t- he continues, “Remember this Anais, losing a battle may be frustrating-” the softness in his eyes fades away, quickly replaced by a fierce fire of determination- “but letting that frustration consume you will only guarantee the loss of  the war.” He rises from his seat, walking past me as he most assuredly heads for Emperor Kaji’s quarters.

What war is there to lose?

Nevermind, I must head to the main hall. Fane has to be waiting there for me- after all, that is the only way to sneak out of the palace without needing a distraction; unless you count the hidden passages.


Hidden passages only to be used in dire emergencies. Despite my overwhelming desire to expedite my temporary escape into the city beyond these pristine walls, I just can't bring about such a mass panic of the staff. Xavier was prepared to cut the very world in half once he learned of my abduction through those tunnels- I can't even recall how long ago that was.

I shouldn't be sneaking out, especially not before Basil’s lessons, but this has been my only chance this month. Though it will not be a true reprieve: I feel Fane’s steel gaze burning through the back of my skull.

“You could, at the very least, pretend to not want to wring my neck for this.” I shift my gaze back to him; you cannot miss that ever so elegant scowl that dares to grace his barbaric face.

His frown somehow falls even further, as a vein begins to rise upon his head. “I’m sorry for not wanting to get my hide tanned for helping the princess sneak out the palace for an outing! You know if I wasn’t a retainer I’d have be drawn and quartered by now.”

“Would you rather I leave on my own?”

An expected silence followed, quickly abandoned by the click of Fane’s tongue. He suddenly shuffled through the narrow hall, passing me by and looking around the corner. This was unnecessary, the staff’s schedule assured me that no one was assigned here for the next quarter hour- more than enough time to reach the rafters and climb through the second floor window.

Like a graceful ape, Fane climbs the gold trimmed walls; lowering his hand once he reaches the rafters. “You could ask Basil to lend you a hand- he knows more about this maze than I ever will” I follow his steps, careful to not lose my footing.

“Yes, because Basil would be perfectly fine with me sneaking out without permission and missing his lesson.” I reach up to grab the well varnished beam, pulling myself up with limited struggle.

Fane retracts his hand, “He may be your instructor, but he’s still a retainer. If he just ignores your orders then he’d be failing at his actual job.” He walks carefully, making sure the beams do not creak beneath his weight.

“Then I can add abuse of power to the list of things Basil will scold me about.” I vault over Fane, swiftly darting towards the window- escape.

“Hey-” he yells. Rapidly he looks to either side of him, as though he only just remembered that we are trying to sneak out. He picks up the pace, almost speaking softly, “will you- I can’t do my job if you run off ahead!”

Unlatching the window, I jump out. I’m almost halfway to the rushing earth before I realize I’ve yet to call on the gales to guide me to the ground. Commanding the faint breeze around me, it morphs into a wave of gentle gusts pulling me down.

Fane has a far less... elegant solution to the steep drop however. Climbing down is most assuredly reasonable, but it’s going to take far too long for him to catch up at this rate. I should use my magic to help him out.

“I wish you luck on your way down Fane! Here’s to your valiant effort keeping up thus far!” I sprint towards the town, only barely hearing a faint echo of what I believe to be a screech: and possibly the thud of an angry- furious- gorilla hitting the ground running. That’s my queue to run. Fast. “Now Xavier has absolutely no right to claim I was slacking off on training!”

Before I know it, I’m surrounded by a never ending mob of voices: each speaks as though it lives alone. Despite this white noise the crowd continues to shop in the market, ignoring their surroundings in favor of inspecting the fine mythical jems and exotic fabrics of lands far over sea.

I thought after going to the city enough times I could drown out everyone like a commoner would, yet it instead seems to be getting louder every visit. This is by no means bad though. I adore the crowd, each member flowing through like they are one with a river. There truly is no place even half as lively at the palace.

Unfortunately, I cannot say this place is a perfect retreat. While merchants are always changing stock, it’s always either dull foods the chefs would scoff at, or old clothing and jewelry I already have. Just a year ago a noble gave me a glimmering red hairpin to wear for the festival, and then my next visit it seemed that every stall was selling something that shared its likeness! This slight pales in comparison to the urchins on the street. They sit in alleyways, ignored as simply part of the noise. I’ve told the emperor about this during my inevitable scoldings, yet nothing is done. Can’t you just give them some money and have them be on their way? How that man rules, I’ll never know.


My laments are overshadowed, however, by a cressendo within the mass I’ve fused myself with: they incircle a boy and woman. The woman- most evidently a scholar- stands above the boy, a slave crop in hand. The boy on the filthy cobbled street is bleeding just above the eyebrow, chains surrounding each limb.

A magic scholar and a slave- I wish this was uncommon. The lady, dressed in fine robes, raises the crop in her hand, as if asking the sun itself to bless her acts. The crowd is only murmuring in response.

“It’s the kids own fault- he should have been careful carrying those fancy scrolls.”

“He must not be able to use magic, huh?”

“Just because he ain’t able to do party tricks! I swear, bloody world gon’ crazy!”

They speak. Complain. Mock. Nothing else. All them would rather sit there doing nothing, rather than grab that woman’s hand! Fane’s one request in exchange to help me sneak out: don’t stand out.

To hell with that! I’ll just apologize when I see him later!

I dash out, whispering the incantation that can repel her strike. The crowd is getting louder. No matter. I make it just before she hits her mark: the deep scowl she wears churns into absolute fear. She falls back, looking up to me- how dare I.

I look the young man behind me; he’s shaking. At that moment I also catch a glimpse of brown. Brown and the most outraged eyes I’ve ever seen. It appears Fane has finally caught up- bad timing on his part.

The woman behind me yells words that I have no hope of understanding. Returning my sight to her, I see sparks of flame ignite on her wrists as she lifts herself up: glaring. “Who do you think you are! I am the second master of Amaranthine’s Magistry, a rat like you has no right-”

Rat? Is she comparing me to her slave? After giving a silent apology to Fane, I lower my hood. “The only rat I see is the pathetic louse before me.” The scholar’s flames go out instantly: as if a waterfall came over her.

“Young Majesty! I wasn’t aware- that is I couldn’t have known-”

“Silence. If you believe I’ll just overlook such insolence, you are sorely mistaken.” The voices around me grow louder, some even shouting after be pushed down by who I presume to be Fane. Tears stream down the woman’s face, falling almost as quickly as the blood of the boy. I fall back into the mob, my arm being yanked back with astounding furosity.

“I have to watch over you in case anything happens: you charge off. I asked you not cause a ruckus: you attack a noble!” I wrangle my arm away from him, the city is out of sight now.

“So you wanted me to sit back and do nothing? I saved that boy!”

“Yeah, you saved him from one beating and instead gave him an even harsher one later! Just because you raise your voice for a little bit doesn’t mean all that kids problems are gonna just float away!” Fane howls, turning his back to me. “Sneak back into your room. I’ll talk to Xavier about what happened.” He walks off towards the gate. Even when I call out to him he doesn’t even bother to look at me.

I’ll go along with what he asks for now, since I did break every previous promise I made today. Sneaking out of the palace using a secret passage would cause a panic, but sneaking back in with one isn’t going to hurt anyone. There’s one that leads to the main library near here, so that should be fine.

I never did apologize, did I? I’ll talk to him tomorrow morning and make sure Xavier doesn’t lose his head over the market fight. Before I know it I’m inside the library, reaching for the nearest book in an attempt to blend in as the maids pass by. When they finally leave I go out into the hall and head for my room. Or I would if something out the window didn’t catch my eye.

A small group of cloaked figures were sprinting away from the palace at top speed. They clearly aren’t a part of the guards or staff. I don’t have a chance to think of my next move, as a deafening scream rip through the halls.

That’s from the servant’s quarters! Not wasting time, I charge for the first floor. There’s a foul smell here. I attempt to ignore the putrid fragrance, but it grows stronger with each turn. It’s only when I reach the first floor that I figure out what was happening. The scream: an inferno devouring the walls. That horrible smell: a foolish soul that thought they could stop the blaze.

It is prudent to breathe carefully in situations such as this: panic is below a person of my station.

Screaming. Sprinting for an exit that has long since burned down.

Insignificant. I need to calm myself, everything else must wait. A deep inhale, slowly followed by a steady exhale. My careful breaths echo through the fogging- smoking halls. The servants slow, hoping mimicking will grant some greater enlightenment. Breath in, slowly taking the air yet to be corrupted; breath out, ignore all outside interruptions, even the deafening sound of choking.

I must act, but I'm supposed to be level-headed in times like this! Calm down quicker then: breathe faster. My breath beats faster, my heart inhaling a meter more than it should everytime another body falls. Another kindle for this merciless inferno. Just a pile of ash. Nothing more.

To summon a current that has any chance of drowning out this inferno requires absolute clarity: a cool head, lack of concern, careful thought- that is the only hope of properly controlling the flow of water. A rupture in the ceiling- blazes devour the floors, the perfectly painted walls. Another pile of ash. Another failure.

Everything is burning, heat flaring around my heart. These apathetic embers could possibly cool my blood: boiling. Bursting forth an unkept wave, the ash is kept at bay; the tide simmers to nothing. I need to breathe- to become part of the flood. I must repel the growing ash.

There’s no point trying to put out the scorching fire, I instead to get everyone out. I call out to the sea within myself, dragging small burst of water into the inferno. “Everyone, keep your heads down and follow me! I’ll create a path to an exit!”

The servants swarm behind me, almost pushing me off my feet into the fire- coaxing me to act with haste. I can barely keep up as the walls continue to flare, the air acting as an indomitable weight.

My energy is almost entirely sapped when the main entrance comes into view- indistinguishable coals littering the floor, once human. Holding back the exhaustion sweeping over my mind, I make one final wave. It washes over floor and walls, keeping back the fire as the servants charge past me to the door. I can’t follow them. I can’t even move.

I hear the roof above me fall in on itself, as everything in taken by the void.


The world is shaking. Moving. Yelling. When I finally find the strength to open my eyes, I see faint smudges that look to be people. My eyes aren’t given a chance to adjust before I’m suffocated in embrace.

“Anais! Oh thank goodness you woke up! I was worried Basil’s healing wouldn’t be enough.” Rika’s hold on me grows even tighter as I try to move. Even as a handmaid, she could probably give Fane a run for his money.

“Young Majesty, do not move. You need to rest and allow my spell to heal any remaining burns and lung damage.” Apathetic, condescending, didactic: Basil no doubt. “It would also be best if you didn’t smother the princess before we reached the safe house, Rika”

The young woman loosens her grip after hearing Basil’s cold words. Safe house?

“Wait! I know there was a fire, but why are we traveling to a safe house on horseback?” Even if the palace burned down, it’s not like it was the only one around. Even more than that, Basil would never let me travel anywhere unless it was safely in a carriage.

“That was arson, milady. It would seem a civil war of sorts has started between the nobility and peasantry. We don’t know who started the fire, which is why we must keep you out of sight until it is safe.”

War? How can there be war; the city nearby was mostly peaceful except for that one woman! I scan around me: Fane, Rika, and Basil. Everyone else must have been sent off somewhere. Though... where is Xavier, or the Emperor?

“Basil, where are-”

“Missing, milady. I searched through that fire as long as I could; no sign of either your father or Xavier.”

“So you just left them!?” I attempt to yell, but the pain in my lungs leaves it as nothing more than a hollow shriek.

“As a retainer, my priority is to protect you” He looks to me for a brief moment, quickly turning back. “No matter the cost.”

I don’t say anything more. I look back towards where the palace stood.

My eyes see radiant crimson flames.

I watch the smoke fade into the crescent moon.

The walls are gone- yet I’ve never felt so confined.

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