My Perents | Teen Ink

My Perents

January 14, 2019
By avi06 BRONZE, Independence, Oregon
avi06 BRONZE, Independence, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

      I can't do it, i just can't do it. No one will except me, no one loves me. I have no friends. My name is lizy, i have gold blonde hair and ocean blue eyes .my parents hit me, yell at me, and stuff me in a box full with water every day. They punish us when we try to plea for them to stop. Everyday my body aches more and more, i can feel myself getting weaker. They do this because they are drunk.

I will run away . i need to save my baby sister to so i am going to my aunt's house she has a beautiful rose garden that smelled of perfume and an exquisite book collection. my parents will never care because they never cared about me before. They probably only care if i took a beer, and  not because it has alcohol but because they want it all to themselves they can smell beer from a mile away.

Well run away at 12’o midnight,  bye that time there already drunk. It took an hour to get to my aunt's house because she lives an hour away and we didn't have any money for a bus or train. When we got to my aunts house there were cops, my parents had called them.  They were there to take us back home then i told them that i ran away because we were being abused. They didn't believe me until i showed them videos of my parents abusing us. The cops were about to put me and my little sister in foster care when i asked if my aunt could adopt me and my little sister.       

  At first my little sister and i didn't trust her because we have been abused so much in our past but slowly by slowly we are getting closer and starting to trust each other. Now i live in peace with me my little sister and my wonderful new mom.

The author's comments:

    my name is avi and i live in oregon.i love writing.i want to show people that some have things very hard and need all the suport that they can get. so that is why i wrote this story.

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