The Revolt of the Gingerbread Men | Teen Ink

The Revolt of the Gingerbread Men

February 19, 2019
By Anonymous

Once upon a time on a Christmas Eve night, a family full of jocular people, who were laughing, celebrating, and downright elated, were having a feast. As the time decreased, so did the family’s feast. In this family there was a girl named Claire, who’s goal seemed pretty fair. She wanted to stay up and make a gingerbread house with sugarplums and frosting galore. But her parents had other plans, which she thought was such a bore. These plans consisted of sleep, which made Claire weep. As she laid waiting for sleep, she thought of a plan. She snuck downstairs to the kitchen, gathered the supplies, and readyed herself to make a gingerbread house. As she did she noticed something quite peculiar that left her in a state of disarray. The gingerbread man she had put on the pan was missing. Then she heard it, a loud noise, sounding similar to a war cry. She quickly spun around to see the gingerbread man and his army of other gingerbread people armed with sugar plums charging toward her. She garnered spoons and pans, anything she could reach, to block the sugar plums plummeting toward her face. The gingerbread people were to strong! Once charged upon, Claire feel right on her back in a recumbent position. All of a sudden the room started to blur and Claire heard someone grousing. The voice sounded oddly familiar! She opened her eyes and saw her mother. Her mother had her hands on her hips, and Claire took that as a tip that she must have done something really wrong. So she looked around and realized with astoundment that she was not in her bedroom but the kitchen with a half built gingerbread house in front of her. She came to a state of concord and happiness for the previous events were consummated. Surely that whole gingerbread revolt was a dream! Then she saw the presents and left the room, forgetting completely of the previous events. What she didn’t see was a gingerbread man in his half built house waiting silently like a mouse.  

The author's comments:

A tale of Claire and how she survived the Gingerbread Men Revlot 

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