Break-Check | Teen Ink


March 2, 2019
By braydendelaire BRONZE, Chilliwack, Columbia
braydendelaire BRONZE, Chilliwack, Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Vrmmm, vrmm”, my engine revs a few times. John's engine mimics mine. a blonde chick with nothing but a bra and short shorts steps in between john and I cars “Are you ready” my engine revs in response again john’s engine mimics, she raises her arms above her head “on your marks... get set...” she drops her arms “gooooo”. John's and I cars launch forward as we stomp on the gas. tires screech as they rub on the concrete beneath us. The smell of burnt rubber fills the air, a huge cloud of smoke left behind as we take off, people coughing on the air. john is right behind me as we head down the straight away, he manages to get close, we reach the end of the straight away, I drift the corner shift to 3rd gear, then 4th, then 5th. I’m sitting in 6th gear heading down another straight away, john is still behind me. we reach another corner, I drift the corner; john had the better shift and took the lead I shift down into 5th gear. He’s about 100 m ahead of me I shift back into 6th gear. I can feel the wind going through my hair and the smell of fresh air. John and I are neck and neck. I swing in front of john. He slows down, swerves behind me I’m in the lead. I shift to 5th, gear my Mustangs engine revs. John swings in front of me. I didn’t see him coming and I hit his rear bumper. He swerved to the left there was a loud screech as he slammed his brake and did a complete one eighty degree turn. There was another loud screech. I looked back in my mirror and john hit the hill and rolls, there was a crack so loud it sounded like thunder. I slammed my brakes and did a one eighty-degree drift after him. I’m now facing john’s car. I drive towards him, I stop and put my car into park. I slam my door open and I run towards him, a smell burning gas fills the air, “there’s something wrong”. I get to the edge of the hill john’s car is upside down laying against a couple of trees. His car is on fire, I slide down the hill then all the sudden there's a huge explosion louder than thunder my ears are ringing, his car explodes! I threw myself on the ground. I start crying “shit, it’s all my fault! I should have slowed down, seen him coming. It’s all my fault!” I hear sirens in the distance, and I ran up the hill to my car, hopped in, and closed the door, I sat there for a minute to observe my surroundings there's a huge cloud of smoke hovering above the hill. A cop pulls up behind me. I pull out of park shift into 1st gear and I take off blinding the cop, the cop follows me he then turned on his siren “shit, Now I’m in a pursuit great!” 
I exit the air strip I shift into 6th gear and zoom past a few cars. Now there’s two cops behind me. I didn’t know what to do. “This wouldn’t be happening if I didn’t kill my brother!” I drift the corner. I speed up, I’m at max speed. My Mustang shudders there was a spitting noise from my exhaust. “shit, my car isn’t going to make this, I’m screwed. Now not only have I killed my brother but now I’m going to jail! I can’t do this anymore. I got to go to Isaac’s house and explain this to him”. I grip the wheel, I can feel the leather under my hands the stitching in each groove. I focus and shift down to 5th gear. There are now three cops behind me, red and blue lights fill the surrounding area around me, wailing sirens, I couldn’t focus, I drift the corner again, and then there was another sputter. I realize I had pushed my Mustang to hard, “She’s not going to make it”, I look behind me, there are no cops. “I lost them I guess”. I shift down to 4th gear, then 3rd gear. There was a sputters again. Down the road was a road block I guess the cops took off to a different root cause they knew about the road block, I drift off the road onto a dirt road and kept driving I pulled back onto the road and I reached Isaac’s block, there was another sputter. The air filled with the smell of smoke there was smoke coming from my hood. My engine was on fire, I grabbed the fire extinguisher, flew the door open, ran out of my car, popped the hood and sprayed the engine. The loud noise of sizzling came from my engine. I threw the fire extinguisher on my seat and closed the door. I walked to Isaac’s house and knocked on the door. Isaac opened the door. I walked in and told him everything. Five minutes later. I opened the door and walked out with Isaac. We walk to my car, I pop my hood, “She’ll be fine you just overheated her, just need some water”. Isaac ran to his house About a minute later Isaac came out and hops in his Nissan GT-R r35 with twinturbo V6 engine. He starts up his GTR the whole neighbourhood could hear the sound of thunder it sounded so nice, He pulls out of his drive way and drives towards me. He hops out gave me the water. I poured the water in the water pump. I open my door and hop in my car. I start her up the area filled with the noise of my Mustang, I hop out closed the hood and hop back in my car and shouted, “let’s go!” Isaac hops in his car and we drove off. Isaac said there wasn’t much he could do for me that he didn’t know what to do and that I should just turn myself in and face my sentence.  I decided to turn myself in to the police. The police said that there glad I turned myself in and they’ll lessen my time, but I must go to court to get my sentencing. About a month later, I went to court they proofed me guilty and I had to do up to a year in state prison so that’s not too bad, but I now have a criminal record and will be charged with manslaughter, fleeing police officers, excessive speeding, and destruction of city property, so I will eventually have to pays those off, my car was impounded and they retrieved my brothers car but nothing was salvageable which sucks and I beat myself up every day for what I did but I know john would want me to forgive myself and move on he died doing what he loves doing best.   fhere our 

The author's comments:

i wrote this story because i love racing games, movies, and stories and i been in a drag race myself.

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