Uninvited Guest | Teen Ink

Uninvited Guest

March 29, 2019
By danisnyder BRONZE, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
danisnyder BRONZE, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was an ordinary day. Timmy, a young boy, got up for school, got ready for the day, and walked downstairs to eat breakfast. He ate his normal bowl of Frosted Flakes cereal. On the way out the door he pet his dog, Rover. In the car he went on his phone, like he does everyday on the way to school. He checked his snapchat, sent streaks and recents, and scrolled his instagram feed. This was when Timmy mysteriously got a text from the old group chat. He was puzzled. Who uses actual text anymore? Ever since Snapchat’s new update with group chats him and his friends always talk in that. He was curious so he clicked straight on the notification. The group chat opened to a super long message. It took him a lot of scrolling to see who sent it. It’s definitely a chainmail, ugh chain mails are so dumb. He usually just ignores messages like this, but he saw that Jerry is the one who sent it. Jerry never jokes around. So he decided to just read it, not a smart move. But it wasn’t because he believed it, he was just curious. The message said, “Hello reader. I am a girl names Betty. Actually I was be a girl named Betty, before I died 3 years ago. I was a 10 year old girl, and one morning when my mom came to walk me up in the morning I was dead. It was a violent death with a lot of struggle shown. But the scariest part is that it was never figured out how I died. Forward this message to 15 of your friends if you want to make it to tomorrow. If you don’t you will end up like me. Good luck tonight.”  A chill ran down Timmy’s spin and his eyes widened. He read the other responses from his friends in the chat. They all were saying how dumb it is and how its for sure not real. Of course, Timmy thought.  It was probably made by aa kid that wanted to prank people. He couldn’t let the annoying kid win and fall for it. So he decided he would not send it. But he kept on thinking about it, and one part of him secretly wanted to send the text. He finally arrived at school. He got out of the car and walked into his Kindergarten class. He went through the day as he normally would, but the words of the text message kept popping back into his head. He reminded himself its not real, and there never was Betty. When he got home from school he wasn’t as happy ot be home as he normally was. Because  he still had to make it through the night, or not. He got in bed and layed there trying to fall asleep. He couldn't get his mind off of Betty. He got up and got all the pillows he could find and stacked them around him on his bed, This created a barricade that kept his bedroom windows, or anything he could mistake for a killer, out of sight.  He made sure the door was locked. Timmy got back in bed, but still could not fall asleep . In the silence he was so nervous. The creepy words of the texts kept replaying in his head. He knew he had no reason to be scared, but as calm as he tried to stay, he couldn’t.  Right when Timmy was about to get up to go to his mom’s room, that's when he heard it. A scratching noise came from where his door is. “Mom?” he said, but no response. His stomach dropped and he was frozen still, in shock and didn’t know what to do. After not too long, the sound went away, and he felt very relieved. He wondered what caused the noise, and he didn’t know if he should go look what’s outside the door. But the noise it started again, and this time a louder scraping sound. Timmy panicked, “Why didn’t I just send the text?” he thought, “I’m gonna end up like Katie!” He started crying. Regret filled him. The sound was so real he was positive it wasn’t his imagination. Someone was trying to get inside his room. He wanted to look to figure out what it was but he was too scared to move the pillow. After a few minutes with nothing stopping, he gained the courage. Timmy lifted the blanket back so carefully and looked. He saw his doorknob being jiggled back in forth and making a loud clinking noise. He started to scream in terror and curled in a ball. Finally, the sound stopped. He did not budge for a while and he waited in silence until he guessed it was finally safe. Very slowly, tiptoed out of bed. He got the door and quietly started to open it. He was trembling with fear. One the door was fully open, Timmy looked down. His dog was sitting right there, and looked up at Timmy with an innocent look.   His Mom walked past the door and said, “Is Rover scratching your door? He was doing that to me earlier, too. I think he also learned how to jump and hit the doorknob with his paw. So cute!” Timmy felt very naive and dumb. Of course, Rover! How did he not think of that! Timmy then heard a notification from his phone. He read a text from the group chat that Jerry sent. It read, “Haha guys, my sister fell for the chainmail prank! The same one I sent you guys. So funny! Obviously it’s fake!”  Timmy got in his bed, deleted the message off this phone, and went straight to sleep feeling very gullible.

The author's comments:

A Comical story


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