The Power | Teen Ink

The Power

October 30, 2019
By ikat36 BRONZE, Zionsville, Indiana
ikat36 BRONZE, Zionsville, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1 

I was laying on the ground, tasting the blood pour into my mouth, my leg throbbing. Seeing the shadow of my father coming closer and closer. My brother lying on the ground next to me unconscious. No wonder the shaking had stopped. I turned around to see my boyfriend in shock. I spit out blood and tell him to help me up. 

        6 hours earlier... 

I stuff the rest of my oatmeal into my mouth. Hearing my boyfriend honk the car horn. “Lance come on!” I yell. I walk out the door and get into the car kissing him.  

“Hey honey,” he says. 

“Hi,” I say back, hearing the car door open and lance getting his seatbelt on. Jack pulls out of the driveway and speeds down the road. Jack and I have been dating for about a year now and I still haven't told about Lance and I's abilities. 

When we got to school, I had a weird feeling that someone was here. Someone I knew someone I didn’t like. Kind of a curse from being a shapeshifter. I looked at Lance... and I could tell he felt it too. I knew who it was, my father, and it was time to go. Lance and I got back in the car.  

“What are you doing?”  Jack asks.  

“We need to go, get in and drive,” I tell him. He looked confused but gets in and starts to drive away. I turn on some music and try to get some extra sleep. I know I am going to need it. 

As I was waking up, I noticed that we are at the mall. Central world mall, my favorite. Jack and I went shopping here all the time considering it was more than two hours away from my school. We were getting out of the car and the feeling was gone away thankfully. I had just escaped from his experiments with my brother and I was not going back to the shack so he can find out why I can shapeshift. I looked back at my brother and he had a look on his face. I knew he hated malls. The ground started to shake. “Crap!” I whisper yelled to myself. I forgot. “There is a Hot Topic here,” I say to him. Immediately the shaking stopped, and he calmed down. I try not to make my brother mad because he starts earthquakes when he gets mad. He hasn’t fully figured out how to control his powers as I have.   

 I check my phone realizing I haven’t called the school. I type the school's number and hit the call button. I clear my throat. “Hello, this is Christina Wilson,” I say acting like my mom. “I am Evo and Lance’s mom. They are at home sick today. Thank you have a great day.” I hit the end call and follow Jack into the mall. Surprised he wasn’t suspicious about Lance. When we got to Hot Topic, Lance looked at us and pointed so we turned towards the store and walked in. After a while, we left, and I felt it again but not as close but ignored it thinking there was no way he could be close. To make sure I looked at Lance and he seemed fine. I grabbed Jack’s hand and kept walking. 

       Chapter 2 

After going into my favorite stores, we went to get lunch. I started to feel it stronger. My brain, trying to ignore the fact that my dad was close. Then the lights went out. I heard screams and when the lights finally came on everyone was gone and everything was broken. I was surprised that no we had not gotten hit by something. I looked at lance and we nodded at each other. A wolf I thought repeatedly. Then I was on the ground, hot due to the layers of fur on my four-legged body. I didn’t even bother to look at jack. Then I see a figure. Its him. I start to run towards him and then I feel the ground shake. Lance did it. I look back and see that he’s on his knees. That’s not normal. I run back and quickly turn back to myself I quickly grab him and give to Jack and tell him to run.  

I turn back around and see my father closer I turn back and they are hiding behind the food counter. I turn back into a wolf and run towards my dad. 

“Come on Evo, I am just here to help you,” he yells. 

“Then why did you break everything it wasn’t necessary,” I yell back. 

“I just needed your attention away from that jack boy, which I do not approve of by the way,” he says. 

“Did I ask for your opinion on my life dad.” I say  

“wow...” he tries to say but I cut him off. 

I strike his leg with my claws. He pulls out a gun and points towards the counter where Jack and Lance are 

“STOP!” I yell. 

“Then come with me,” he says. 

“I can’t,” I say. 

He points the gun at me and then I fly to the side. I’m lying on the ground, tasting the blood pour into my mouth, my leg throbbing. Seeing the shadow of my father coming closer and closer. My brother lying on the ground next to me unconscious. No wonder the shaking stopped. I turn around to see my boyfriend in shock. I spit out blood and tell him to help me up. 


Chapter 3 

After getting up, I see my sister, Eva. “Oh my gosh!” she runs towards me and gives me a hug. 

“Where have you been?” she asks. 

“With dad,” I say rolling my eyes, I look over and he is on the ground. A small red circle threw his chest. 

“You shot him?” I ask. 

“Yeah, but didn’t you want me to?” she asks. 

“I don’t know, he’s still my dad,” I say. 

“He could have killed you.” she says.  

“I know but...” I try to say but trail off. 

“But what?” She asks. 

“Never mind, I’m just glad I get to see you again.” I say. 

“Me too.” she replies. 

I hear the sirens blaring outside the building. My mom enters the building and gives me a big hug.

“We have to go honey.” she says.

“Ok.” we all say at the same time.

“I am so glad I am out of dad’s experiments.” Lance says. “I wish it didn’t have to end in him dying, but I guess it’s over now.”

“Yeah me too.” I say back.

We got into the car and I felt everything go limp then black. 

When I woke up we were at my mom’s house. I got out of the car, walking into a familiar smell of Bath and Body Works candles. This was the smell I wanted to smell. I walked through the house into my old room. Thinking about the comfort of my own bed. Sharing one with my brother at grandma’s house was getting kind of annoying. I crawled into bed and fell asleep faster than I have in years, realizing I was finally safe and wanted in my new/old house.


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