The Year 2793 | Teen Ink

The Year 2793

October 3, 2022
By oliviadicristo GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
oliviadicristo GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s the year 2793. I’m laying in the comfort of my home in Seattle, Washington with my pet pegasus by my side. I want to take a trip to see the Abraham Lincoln Memorial. But, I don’t want to go alone so I call Vincent Van Gogh and Taylor Swift to go with me. “You’ve gotten so big,” Vincent said, distinguishing my differences since the last time we’ve seen each other. We decide to take a boat on the Mississippi River instead of driving since we’re out of gas. I don’t mind though as I’m able to see a ton of dirt brown starfish. My stomach grumbles very loudly, and thankfully another passenger on the boat, Ethan, gives me some of his biscuits and gravy, and light blue gatorade. All of the sudden everything goes quiet until Ethan says “bruh.” I look upwards and see that the sky has become very cloudy. A loud boom erupts and I fall off the chair I was sitting on, closing my eyes. When I open my eyes I’m on the boat anymore. In fact, I am sitting on a couch in a psychologists’ office wearing red stiletto heels. “Hola,” the psychologist says. I look up to analyze who is in front of me when she starts singing “Yes sir. Uh I gradu- I just graduated high school!” She must like Mac Miller, I think to myself.

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