Trying to get away form the past | Teen Ink

Trying to get away form the past

September 7, 2023
By Er0308417 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Er0308417 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day there was a man named John marston, in homestead but he know something was wrong then out of nowhere the sheriff, deputy, and some of the local police on horses came and john told his son and wife to stay inside.

 The sheriff rode to the front of the homestead on got off the horse and he gave john the rundown of what is happening and gave him a deal weather to help hunt his old gang that he used to be with, but then john said that he doesn't want to because he wants a better life for his son and doesn't want to remember his time as an outlaw, then the sheriff said that he can imprison him and his family for being associated with them, because of this john reluctantly agreed to the deal. 

So he went inside and grabbed his revolver from inside the cabinet and told his wife that to not be scared and he promises that he will be back no matter what with a determined face, and then got on his horse and told the sheriff that he knows where the gang is located so they follow him to an old fort embedded in the mountain.

 They take out their binoculars and scout out the location and see that the front is guarded but the sides are unguarded, john suggest that the local police distracts the guards at the front so john and the deputy can go in through the side, everyone agrees so go forth with the plan.

 When the shots are fired they go through the hole in the wall in search of haviar the co leader and dutch the actual leader.

 As the men inside go to the front of the gate to engage the police at the front, John and the deputy both sneak around them to the cave entrance, but as they get closer they hear voices and footsteps.

 So they decide to set up an ambush for them, they find a black powder barrel and put it close to the entrance and wait as they see shadows they light it and kill the men coming out of the cave.

 As john and the deputy go in they see haviar, john suggests that the deputy go for haviar and john can go for dutch they both agree and spit up.

as john see the exit of the cave he sees dutch sitting on the edge of the cliff,

“ Dutch i have come for you,” said John, as John said that Dutch stands up ominously,

‘’This is the way it's got to end Dutch,’’ 

‘’Son i had a plan Dutch answered.’’

‘’You always got a plan Dutch for your avarice desire and for what so you can go to an island in the middle of nowhere with a clean slate, sorry Dutch but i have a family to take care of,’’ said John.

As the conversation ended they both looked at each other with manicing looks, and prepared for the worst outcome and at the same they both put their hand on their revolvers and waiting for one of them to make the first move then a gunshot was heard in the distance signaling them to draw their gun and fire one shot and as the smoke cleared John stood there and looks at dutch with animosity and then Dutch is stunned by the bullet wound in his chest, and on his own terms he decided to fall of the cliff to not get captured.

 John understood why he did that as he would have gotten hanged for his crimes as john turned away he sheathed his gun and in the distance he hear a faint sound which sounds like haviar so he goes and investigates, as he turns the corner he sees haviar hogtied on the floor John looks at him and carries him out the front where the local police and he sheriff manage to get in and eliminate all of the goons of the vandaler gang and with that john tossed haviar to the ground and with that john is let go to his family.

The author's comments:

i enjoy to cook for the experience.

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