Conquering the serpent | Teen Ink

Conquering the serpent

September 8, 2023
By erickwaffles BRONZE, Houston, Texas
erickwaffles BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, in a quaint village located on the edge of a dense, foggy forest, lived a young boy named Fern. He had always been drawn to the mystery of the woods. His eyes, as green as the leaves of spring, sparkled with curiosity. His raven black hair framed his face like the shroud of darkness clung to the forest’s edge. The day ahead was long and fateful when Fern decided to venture into the heart of the ominous woods.

The village folk whispered tales of a mighty beast, a creature of nightmare and legend that lurked withing the depths of the foggy forest. It Was said to be a colossal serpent with scales as black as midnight, eyes that gleamed like emeralds and fangs that could pierce through the hardest of stones. But Fern, brave and unyielding dismissed the tales as mere exaggerations, that the beast wasn’t all that. He believed the forest held secrets waiting to be unveiled, and the beast was just one of them.

As  the early morning sun kissed the treetops, Fern armed himself with a finely crafted bow made by the local midget craftsman nettle. His fathers parting gift before he ventured into the forest himself years ago. Fern’s heart beat like a drum, echoing in the silence of the forest as he ventured deeper. The air was thick with mist, and he twisted branches above cast eerie shadows, as if they whispered secrets to one another.

The forest floor was a carpet of damp leaves that crunched beneath Fern’s boots. Birds, unseen in the dense canopy, sang mournful melodies, as if crying for someone. All in symphony. The mist clung to him like a shroud, and with each step, the forest seemed to swallow him further into its enigmatic depths.

Hours passed, and Fern’s determination wavered not. His senses heightened, and he felt the presence of the beast drawing near. He could sense the beasts emerald eyes watching him, like two glimmering orbs in the dark. His heart quickened.

And then, as if the very forest had conspired with the beast, the fog grew thicker, and the shadows deeper. From the mist, the serpent emerged, its scales wglistening like onyx. Fern’s breath caught, but he stood his ground, arrow notched and bow drawn.


The ensuing battle was a fight of light and darkness, of fear and courage. The serpent lunged, its fangs gleaming like a deadly promise. Fern’s arrow, a streak of silver, found its mark, piercing the serpents heart. As the beast fell, it let out a haunting cry that seemed to echo through the forest, as if mourning the loss of its ancient presence.

Fern, triumphant yet humbled by the forests secrets, returned to the village. The fog lifted, and the woods seemed less ominous than before. The village folk were in awe of the young hero, and tales of his bravery would be passed down  for generations.

In that one day, Fern had unraveled the mysteries of the dark, foggy forest. He had conquered the beast and, in doing so, had become a faithful. legend himself. The forest, once a place of scary fear, was now seen as a place of wonders, and where the courage of a boy had shone brighter than any emerald eyed serpent.

The author's comments:

i like serpents and forests and mythical beasts so this has som of me in it :p

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