Belle Villain | Teen Ink

Belle Villain

September 20, 2023
By Anonymous

“Can I have everyone’s attention please? I need to talk to you about a popular subject around here. We all know of the available bachelors of our city, the beautiful men who all of you are yearning to marry. I understand, I have been there. But there is one who has treated me very badly and I urge you not to marry or hook up with him. This man has always flirted with me when he would see me and had this look on his face that I could almost see a future with him, until I saw his true self. I noticed that he had this reputation of being rude and nasty to all the men of the city and was very narcissistic. He would also look at me as if I would be little house slave; I would make him dinner for him and even rub his nasty feet and everything would be about him. This was always very annoying to me all the time, so I told him that I did not want to marry him, but as time passed, I realized it was worse than I had thought. You all know that my father went to the fateful castle and ended up being the prisoner of the beast. What you all may not know is that when I found out about this, I went there to trade my life for his. The terrifying beast agreed, and let my father go. So, I was there alone. The, used to-be, servants were genuinely nice and welcoming to me and would make me dinner all that jazz, but the beast still scared me, and I wanted to go home to my father. As I was there, I decided to give the beast a chance, and we formed this strange bond. He would be nice and learned that not all people are haters. Eventually, he let me go and I went home, until I learned of Gaston’s plan to kill him, so I went back to warn him and everyone else. After Gaston got there, he shot the beast and he almost died, so I went over to him and told him I loved him, and he became human. I say all this to emphasize how the prince and I had a love story and Gaston was the one who almost ruined it by killing him. So, Gaston is a man who cannot accept when you are happy and doing well. If it gets in the way of what he wants, he will do anything to stop it. He was so set on marrying a woman who did not want him back that he was willing to round up all the villagers to go kill someone. If you marry this man, I assure you, your personality would be constrained, you will no longer be seen as an independent woman but instead as his little wife. I warn you, my fellow sisters, to stay away from this man.” 

The author's comments:

It is about Belle telling the village girls why to not marry Gaston.


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