The Sea Within Us | Teen Ink

The Sea Within Us

October 30, 2023
By maciober SILVER, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
maciober SILVER, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a coastal town in the heart of New England, home to an alluring sea with an endless horizon, lived a fisherman named Captain Sawyer. He was an old man with hands etched by the scars of countless voyages that tell the tales of his boundless adventures. Apart from Captain Sawyer's knowledge of the sea was a quality in him that provided wisdom well beyond how to read a map. To Captain Sawyer, people were like the ocean.  

He spent his time on his weathered dock, on which he placed every plank and screw that bore witness to his countless adventures. No matter where the tide took him, his safe haven was his dock sitting on the eroded bench, where he found comfort in the memories engraved into the tired wood. As Captain Sawyer gazed out towards the horizon, his grandson Charlie often sat beside him, eagerly waiting to hear his stories that intertwined the nature of humanity and the bottomless ocean. 

“You, me, and everyone around us are like the ocean my sweet boy,” he would whisper softly. As Captain Sawyer spoke, Charlie's mind would paint the images of his grandfather's words. “We all have hidden secrets, depths unseen, and treasures far beyond what meets the eye. We carry with us tales untold and if you judge by what you see on the surface, you may never truly know what lies beneath,” he would say, his voice in harmony with the rhythmic rise and fall of the waves. 

“A person may resemble the smoothest of seas, with a heart as pure and calm as the waves that pass you by,” Captain Sawyer goes on to say. “Despite this, never forget that storms may brew even on the clearest of days. My sweet Charlie, understand that the unpredictability of the ocean lives within us too. A tranquil sea can morph into a raging storm, similar to a person's heart.”

As the tide continued to go in and out much time passed by. Charlie was no longer a little boy with an impressionable heart. He grew into an intelligent young man, guided like a compass by the many lessons his grandfather taught him. One morning, the two men sought out on a fishing trip. Quickly, the dock became a speck in the distance. The ocean was vastly glistening, full of promise and purpose. As the day went on, an ominous ripple in the waves began to rock the boat and the once-clear sky darkened with gray clouds. Captain Sawyer skillfully steered the boat home through the treacherous waters. Tired but lucky to be home safe, the two made their way along the dock and into the house for shelter as the storm began to let up. 

“An important lesson is to be learned today, son. The ocean endures the strongest of storms, while never failing to return to a calm state once again. People too can face hardships and come out the other end stronger and wiser, just like we did today” Captain Sawyer shared. Charlie smiled and nodded his head in agreement, never too old to listen to his grandfather preach his wisdom.

Years later, Captain Sawyer passed away in the comfort of his home overlooking the sea. In death, his stories lived on being passed down through generations. His legacy was kept alive to serve as a reminder that people, like the ocean, can be both calm and fierce, holding within treasures that could bear even the most turbulent of storms.

The author's comments:

This article stems from my love for the ocean and the deeper meanings that I feel lie beneath the surface. 

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