Prologue To My New Book | Teen Ink

Prologue To My New Book

December 20, 2023
By nataliewilson809 SILVER, Portland, Oregon
nataliewilson809 SILVER, Portland, Oregon
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

“Emily, where are you going?” Emily spun around to find her father watching her. 

“Father. I didn’t know you were there. I…I was…going for a walk.” Emily told him.

“It’s raining and it's quarter past 3 AM. Why?” Her father asked. 

“I needed some air.” 

“Go back to bed.”

“Yes father.” Emily went back to her bedroom anxiously. Emily needed to meet Esther in the courtyard, now. Emily sat by her window and watched the rain tap on the gray pavement below. She needed to tell Esther about the note before anyone knew she had it. What would she do? How could she do anything with her father so suspicious of her? After all, he was the Earl of Winchester and he had power. But, she had to find a way. If her father found out about Oliver, her father would not be forgiving. She needed to help Oliver, no matter the risks she might face.

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