Would they still sing if they knew? | Teen Ink

Would they still sing if they knew?

January 16, 2024
By 5kaminski BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
5kaminski BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bright lights everywhere as I get my first glance of the arena. 3, 2, 1. 

I'm frozen. Stuck in space. My head is spinning, I’m so confused. My vision is blurry. 

Blood, there's so much blood

It all hits me, as if I just jumped back into my own body. My legs take off. My heart is racing and my throat is dryer than the desert. Screams come from all directions. I have no time to get any kind of supplies. 

It's freezing when I stop to rest. Cold sweat dripping down my frozen face.

This is the first time I get to take a look around. The beautiful fall colored leaves filling the space around me. It reminds me of what I left behind. District 8, Textiles. 

The sound of a stream flowing. The birds sing around me. Do they even know what's going on? All the people dying right now. Would they still sing if they knew?

The leaves rustle. I jerk my head back, trying to look around. Footsteps. Closer, louder. Unable to see the person, I run. Making so much noise with the leaves crunching underneath my feet. I suddenly stop, but I don't know why. What's going on?

Blood, there's so much blood. Now this blood comes from me. The warm, bright red liquid seeping from my body. My vision blurs. And there's nothing. No light. No birds. No sound.

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