Adventures in Doobieville: The Wonder Gem | Teen Ink

Adventures in Doobieville: The Wonder Gem

May 1, 2024
By vincentkenni BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
vincentkenni BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cast of Characters 
Dark Forest in Doobieville 
Adventures in Doobieville: The Wonder Gem Script 
By Vincent Kennivong 
Act One 
Scene One 
Doobieville’s dark forest during the day. The trio heads to a tent to talk. 
(FIG, the leader of the group, gathers everyone to discuss the new talk of the town: The Wonder Gem.) 
FIG: (Whispering to the group.) Did you guys hear about that gem discovered somewhere in this forest? 
DAMON: Yeah... I heard two kids found it and went missing, but only one came back. He’s been scarred and doesn’t want to speak to anyone. The whole town speculates that it can grant wone wonder to whoever wields it. I heard it needs to pair with some ancient artifact, and it might be a coincidence, but my dad just passed down an heirloom so we can see if that’s it. I’ll leave it here, safe in the tent. 
ABIGAIL: (exclaims) Wow, that’s great! We already have a head start so let’s go find it before anyone else does! 
FIG: Great idea, let’s start searching. 
Scene Two 
(The trio walks around for a while and stumbles upon a magical gate that prevents them from advancing forward, and it appears to have symbols on it.) 
ABIGAIL: (fascinated) Wow, what is this thing? It looks like some type of puzzle. 
(Suddenly, the symbols form a sentence, revealing a riddle.) 
DAMON: It says, “I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?”. I wonder what the answer is. 
ABIGAIL: (Thinking hard about the answer, she uses her cleverness) An echo! It’s an echo! 
(The gate rumbles as it opens up, letting the group through to discover what’s behind it.) 
DAMON: You did it! Great job Abigail! 
FIG: Heck yeah, now let’s get through quickly. 
(The trio walks through, entering another side of the forest they’ve never been to.) 
Act Two 
Scene One 
(A purple glow can be seen in the distance on a boulder, shining brightly. The group walks towards it.) 
WISE OLD MAN: (suddenly) Stop right there! You won’t take this gem! 
DAMON: (using his charm) Don’t worry, we’re here to take it to a safer place. Just hand it over to us. 
(The WISE OLD MAN hands over the wonder gem to DAMON, falling for his tricks.) 
WISE OLD MAN: Very well then, here ya go. Don’t get it in the wrong hands. 
(The group then starts to make their way back to their tent, but gets interrupted by a hound which knocks the gem on the ground.) 
DAMON: Quick, retrieve the gem! 
(ABIGAIL picks the gem up while DAMON distracts it) 
DAMON: I'm over here, you big dummy! 
(The hound growls fiercely against the three kids in an attempt to assert dominance) 
ABIGAIL: (panicking) What do we do?? 
(FIG gathers up his bravery and punches the hound in the face, only to make it angrier.) 
ABIGAIL: Wow! Nice punch Fig, but I don’t think it's too happy about that... 
FIG: Abigail, Damon, run! I’ll take care of this and meet you guys back at the tent. 
(ABIGAIL and DAMON takes off, not thinking twice about FIG’s advice.) 
(FIG picks up a rock from the ground as the hound runs at him, but he hits it hard, knocking it out.) 
FIG: Take that, scum! 
Scene Two 
(FIG runs after his friends, and catches up after a minute, only to find them staring at another gate.) 
ABIGAIL: There’s another one...? 
DAMON: What does this one want us to do? 
(As they examine it, they find a hole that perfectly fits the gem.) 
FIG: Do you think we should- 
ABIGAIL: Put the gem in there? Probably... Otherwise, we’re stuck here. 
DAMON: All that work for nothing? It’s whatever... Just do it. 
(ABIGAIL takes the gem out and puts it in the hole, causing the gate to once again rumble and open up, revealing the path back home.) 
(The group enters the gate, then the gem falls back down to them.) 
FIG: (stunned) Wh-huh? We got it back! 
DAMON: It was testing us... To see whether or not we’d give it up! 
ABIGAIL: Wow! Let’s not waste our time now, let’s get back! 
(They head back to the tent, and DAMON takes his artifact, placing the gem inside it. The gem glows even brighter and then dims black.) 
ABIGAIL: Make a wish? 
DAMON: (pauses) I wish this dark forest would become bright, with no danger in sight and for us to live in peace. 
(As they step out, the forest is now brightened up, and there is no sign of magic, a wise old man, nor a hound. Everything is peaceful, and the three friends venture off together, embarking on another journey.) 
The End 

The author's comments:

This is a play script.

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