Its Really Happening | Teen Ink

Its Really Happening

May 15, 2024
By Anonymous

It's July 23rd at 7 in the morning. The fog rolls over  the tip of the peak falling deep in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. There's a cabin that sits overlooking the river with big open windows revealing the giant open plains filled with livestock and the wild horses roaming the hillsides. With the most perfect view of the sunsets, you can always hear the birds chirping early in the morning, but on this particular day Cody wakes up in a flash, sweating profusely. This seems to happen every once in a while from the PTSD he earned in the Army with so many dark days out in the field with booms going off so close to his very own head. When they finally had sent him home due to his injuries, it was with part of his leg getting blown off.

Today, he still stands as a very tall man sways like a towering redwood tree, with eyes so bright and blue they almost look like an ice glacier. You can feel the cold icy breeze when he looks at you. He has a muscular physique like a god. When he awakes, so does his beautiful fiance. She worries a lot when he has dreams because they can be very dangerous to anyone around him, but it has gotten better through the months. Being able to have Bailey with him has helped. She is slim like a feather in the wind, with long dark hair that runs down to the back of her knees and eyes like fresh summer limes, she is pregnant with their first child. Bailey is a chef. They moved to Montana about six months ago and have been able to stay with his brother Zach. He's  three years older and he sits at an average male height but don't let it fool you. He is fast as a cheetah but still stands out in a crowd with bright almost white hair and eyes dark like the night sky. But since Cody and Bailey have come up here there has been a big issue due to the fact that Bailey has been getting super sick with her pregnancy. She has hyperemesis gravidarum which is draining every bit of energy from her body making her very sick. They need a lot of support and as much help as she could get.

From Cody and Zach both being in the army they always heard about this secret base that wasn't very far from where they now all lived. Zach had once tried to find it for his wife who had cancer but they never knew exactly where it was. She ended up passing away about two years ago, which was very difficult for him to handle so once Cody recovered and got his prosthetic leg, he and Bailey moved up with Zach. The past two and half years have been very hard on everyone. Cody and Bailey both get out of bed. She goes into the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. The sweet smell of pancakes and bacon fills the house and Cody gets dressed to go out and get some work done when he hears a noise that sounds almost like something flying in the wind then sees his brother running right at him. He mumbles something that he doesn't understand.

Zach says “I Found it! I know where it is!”

“Where? What did you find?”

Zach stands there with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.

“The secret base. We have to do it now. Today. We have to leave.”

“Why can't we just wait till tomorrow?”

Zach tells him that he got a call yesterday from his old buddy that still works for the Secret Service that a nuclear missile would be coming this way. Apparently, China found out that the States are hiding some top secret medicine that could cure so many illnesses.

 “We need to get to the base as soon as we can after you and bailey went to bed last night I went out looking for it. I just couldn't sleep and I am not gonna let you lose the love of your life like I did mine just cause I couldn't find it in time. I know you don't want to freak Bailey out too badly, but we need to leave ASAP. Go let her know. Also get a couple bags together for each of us.”As they they both head in the house Bailey sees the worried look on the boys faces 

Bailey asks, “What's going on? Y’all just look like you saw a ghost.”

The boys tell her what's going on. She just about passes out from hearing all that  and turns completely white. Cody catches her before she falls to the ground and rests her against the couch. When she wakes up about an hour later they gather everything together and hop on the  four wheeler and start up and over the mountain. They are about twenty miles up the mountain when Bailey starts to scream. 

“Oh my god, I am in so much pain.”

“Hang in there, my love. We should be there soon.”

They are now about three hours into the ride up the mountain but before they are able to get to the base there is a very thin part of the mountain that is only 2 feet wide with a 200 ft drop down rigid rocks, They will have to walk the rest of the way. Just then it begins to rain down, making it ten times more difficult.The rocks become extremely slippery and rocks start to slide not just from under them but also almost on top of their heads. The wind begins to pick up and it is making it very difficult for them to get across the mountainside in a flash. Bailey loses her footing there. She nearly goes down the mountain then right then and there.Cody and Zach grab both of her hands. Trying their hardest to pull her up. Her screams run deep down through the valley.

“The baby! My poor baby!” Bailey says. 

They finally get her up back on the ledge, all three of them sitting there trying to catch their breaths, all their lives having just flashed before them.

They all get back to walking. There's only about twenty more feet to go before they reach the flat. They make it to the flat ground with just some scrapes and bruises, Bailey still shaking in fear, tears running down her face. They walk around the corner to find this giant metal reinforced door that's thirty ft tall and fifteen ft wide. Automatic guns sit there pointing at them. Cameras face each direction. They hear a faint voice and they can’t tell where it was coming from. They look around and see no one. They look back at the door and see a little box on the wall with a keypad and the speaker. The noise is coming from there. They walk closer and hear someone asking what they are doing there. The voice tells them to leave or they will be killed. Each of the men show their army ID badges and tell the man on the other side that they got a call to come here and that they need help. Before letting them inside, a group of about five men come out an embedded doorway inside some rocks and they take a closer look at us.

 One of the men grabs Bailey and says, “we will take her.”

“No you can't, we'll have to go with you.”

One of the others says to Cody, “She will be safe with us, don't worry.”

Bailey begs and begs for them to let them all go inside after a while the guards finally give in and let us all in chills running down our backs as they enter the mountain, a long dark tunnel filled with orange lights burning like fire. They make it down to a section of the tunnel where there sits six different doors each marked with strange symbols. They take the group into a room to the left with an upside down triangle and woods in a different language writing on the door. As they enter the doorway, inside is a place that just looks like an ordinary hospital with many nurses and doctors and patients. Just not all of the patients look human. They didn't look right. Some had different textured skin and there was a wall where they had three giant test tube looking things filled with this blue liquid  and two of them had humans in there. They all gasped when they saw them. Zach begins to ask so many questions we are wondering what they are doing to these people. They take them to a more private room and tell them to wait here and a doctor will be in soon to see them. Bailey gets up and lays on the bed curling up in pain, her lips almost looking blue. Cody grabs a couple blankets from the corner of the room.

A very tall skinny woman walks through that door. She is wearing a lab coat and has dark red scrubs with white shoes.

“Hello there you four. My name’s Dr. Deena, what seems to be the problem?”

They tell her how they have been looking for this place for a very long time. They have been denied all help so many times, She just wants her baby to survive and be a healthy baby. They begin to hook up Bailey to a bunch of motors to watch her and their baby's heart rate. Cody asks Dr. Deena if they can talk outside of the room. They both walk out to find a private place to sit down. Cody then asks if anything happens in surgery he wants the doctor to save Bailey first then the baby. He cares more about his fiance than the child because he couldn't live with himself if he lost her and definitely could if he lost both of them. As they are sitting in the other room talking they hear loud screams coming from their room. They run back and see Bailey covered in blood. Zach had left the room to go find some food for them. Dr Deena yells for her staff as they prep Bailey for surgery and they rush her to the OR. Zach finally heads back to the room after finding some food and sees the huge mess and realizes something's wrong. Cody's waiting on the chair. They just took Bailey into surgery they said it's going to be a long procedure. After Cody tells him the news Zach says, “I just found out in about 30 minutes until their missiles hit us.”  Cody is now lost for words; he just stares at Zach turns white as a ghost before passing out on that cold floor.One of the nurses comes in to talk to them sees Cody laying there on the ground Zach and the nurse help him to the bed the nurse tells them that it's going to be another few hours before Bailey is out of surgery and they should try to get some rest. It feels like forever when they finally get the okay to go and see the baby. It's in a plastic box hooked up to a bunch of little motors and has a breathing tube in it. He is so little, just maybe 3.5 pounds he has the smallest hands anyone had ever seen. All of a sudden the ground began to shake bits and pieces of rocks started to fall. Alarms were going off everywhere the missile just hit the side of the mountain. A great cloud of  dust fills the tunnel, everything goes dark and silent. 

The author's comments:

I loved writing this it was very thrilling 

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