Stranded | Teen Ink


June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

I'm so excited. My family and I are going on a cruise! I have never been out of the state, so I’m super excited. This trip was a surprise birthday present from my mom because she knew how badly I wanted to go to Mexico.

We arrive at the big dock for the cruise ship, and as we wait, I'm getting increasingly excited. The massive ship towers above us, a floating city ready to fly us away. Finally, after what felt like hours, we started boarding the ship. My family and I find our rooms, and then we start to walk around and look for things to do. The ship is a maze of excitement, with something new around every corner.

While we are walking, we feel the ground beneath us start to move. It turns out it was time for the ship to head off into the open ocean. The air and sun feel so much nicer the farther you get from society, and it really makes everyone relax and enjoy themselves. The salty breeze dances through our hair, carrying our worries away.

It comes to be about nine or ten at night, and the ocean starts getting really rough. The once peaceful sea transforms into a ferocious beast. “We are going through a huge storm; everyone go back to your room and get ready for rough seas,” says the captain, and everyone starts rushing to their rooms. It's pouring rain, everyone is freaking out, and they are all trying to be the first ones to their rooms. As one could imagine, that would be a bit dangerous—rocking around, slippery wet floors, lots of rushing people. To me, that sounds like a recipe for disaster.

I wake up on a beach in the middle of nowhere. I look around to see no signs of people or anything. The sound of the waves seemed to calm me. I ask myself what happened to lead me to this mysterious beach. I again look around and see a bottle in the water moving with the waves. I gather enough strength to go and look at the bottle. Turns out it wasn't a bottle at all and it was just a stick that beguiled me. I took it out of the water just to ascertain the facts that it is a stick and it was just a stick. I set down the stick and looked at my surroundings and I saw a cave in the distance with what looked to be fire right next to it.

 As I get over there I start to feel a strange presence with me. This presence seems to be malice with ill intent. I make it over to the fire and I can still feel the evil presence, I look around but I can't find anyone or any evidence of someone being there besides the fire. I say to myself “Man it's getting dark, maybe I should find a place to sleep.” I walk around the cave for maybe another twenty-five minutes, I finally find a spot that's suitable for me to sleep. As I drift into an uneasy sleep, the cave’s shadows whisper secrets of survival and hint at the unknown adventure that awaits me on this deserted island.

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