The day that changed everything | Teen Ink

The day that changed everything

November 12, 2009
By Anonymous

It was and I just woke up, today was going to be the day we were going to do it. I went over my friend’s house to brainstorm and make sure everyone knew what they were doing. Today was going to be the day we broke into that house and get that cash. Me and Dave went over the plan and made sure everybody was ready. Its now noon and we are on the way to the house, the weather is horrible and its dark. We park down the street and walk to the house, there is no one there the family is on vacation. All of us enter through an unlocked window on the side of the house.. Yes! Were in now we just have to get the money and leave…that simple. I go upstairs to the safe and break it open with a crow bar and got the money. My friends yell at me lets get the hell out of here…but I get gready and throw the gps and ps3 in my backpack and keep looking…I hear car doors slam shut in the driveway. Thoughts rush through my head…Is it the cops? Was there an alarm? Neighbors? Am I hearing things? My friends all book out the window, I rush down the stairs when suddenly the door flys open.

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