Marshmellow Vs. Dog | Teen Ink

Marshmellow Vs. Dog

June 8, 2010
By Jakob Stuedemann BRONZE, Mattawan, MI, Michigan
Jakob Stuedemann BRONZE, Mattawan, MI, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Man! I think I just found my new favorite food.” (Full Circle Ending) Almost every single night I have that dream. But after we ate the humans, we had a little trouble with their dogs. Once we were done eating, we heard foot steps coming near us. As soon as we got in the light, which was very bright, we saw these massive, hairy dogs running straight for us! (Appositive) I only got a glimpse of them because I had to make a run for it but what I did see was this giant monster. It had dark red eyes, drool in its mouth, and hair all over. (Appearance) I thought this was a dream but right when they shouted “BARK!” I knew it was real. (Thoughtshot) (Onomatopoeia) (Words Spoken By Others) Heart pumping, sweat dripping, I yelled, “RUN!!!” (Absolute) and started a full-on sprint through the tall, thick grass to the dark blue fence. (Environment) (Action) I didn't look back so I don't know what happened to the other 10 men. They probably got eaten. Sliding on the loose gravel of the driveway, I asked how many marshmallows were left. (Participle)

“Only 2 sir, you and me,” the man said. (Other Character's Response) Right when he told me that, I knew I would have to go back and avenge those marshmallows that had died.

Once we got back to our giant grocery store, which covered with green paint, we headed straight for the candy isle. (Adjectives Shifted Out Of Order)

“Listen up! We've got trouble on your hands! A couple miles down the road, there are these 3 dogs that are as nasty as junkyard dogs and are lions. (Simile) (metaphor) If we want to beat them and avenge our friends, then we are going to have to get a team of about 30 candies. So lets go kill those dogs!”

The next morning, we got a team of around 30 candies, said goodbyes to our family, and set out for the house that had the dogs. Once we got there, I told everyone the plan. 3 teams of 10 and each team would get their own dog to take down. But when I looked in the back yard, the dogs were sleeping.

“This is gonna be easier than I thought,” I told myself. Since there were some coals left from the fire last night, we all took 1 dog in our teams and threw them on the coals to cook. Once they were cooked, we took them off the fire, skinned their hair off, and ate them. After this fight I learned 2 things. 1: There would be no more dogs running after us. 2: I think I just found new favorite food (Full Circle Ending).


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