The GT | Teen Ink

The GT

December 14, 2012
By RayIsAwesome BRONZE, Garland, Texas
RayIsAwesome BRONZE, Garland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember it when it was like yesterday, it was January of 2012, a tall man with black hair came to the dealership and he was trying to buy the best car in the shop. Then the dealer introduced him to me, I was a black 2013 Bentley Continental GT with black rims, the tall man decided to buy me…I was so happy! I found out my owners’ name was John Thompson; he was a very rich business man who was expected to retire soon. My owner would take me to places I have never heard of before, it was like paradise. One Friday night is going to be something to remember…it was a Friday night and my owner decided to go to the club to party, when John came out…he was so drunk, he couldn’t even walk out like a normal person.
He managed to open me up and start the engine, I knew this was going to be a death ride, so he was off on the highway driving like a maniac…he swerved to the other side of the road and I knew we were going to die. He drove head-on to an 18-wheeler, I then managed to take control of myself and we took a hard right turn into the grass field in the middle of the 2 highway lanes, the good thing is that no lives were harmed.


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