Bud Not Buddy | Teen Ink

Bud Not Buddy

December 18, 2012
By Jake.F BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
Jake.F BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bud is an orphan who goes to foster home to foster home looking for a good home. He faces obstacles in the way. He is in a foster home in the beginning and his foster parent does not like him very much. Bud didn’t like them either. Bud then runs away from that family to search for his father.Bud is an orphan who thinks his dad is still alive who travels to try to find him. He needs to go to half the state to look for his father. Bud goes place to place hiding from his original foster parent’s that he ran away from. Bud is staying with this family who knows who buddies father is. He then takes Buddy to find his father. He then is at a place who thinks he is his father.I would recommend the book to people. Bud was living with this one family. Bud talked about his dad and the man who he was staying with ‘’Lefty Lewis’’ knew who Buddies dad was. Lefty drove Bud to where his father was. Bud finds a man who he thinks he is his father.It was a good book. It was a good adventure book.

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