Green-call | Teen Ink


January 25, 2013
By Anonymous

Green- call the last girl.

There is forest where green girls sing songs of dreams, where little blue people ride fishes in the long rivers. Here the wind blows with the gentlest breeze. A place where visitors won’t believe what they see. The warm tropical air, as moist and fresh as it blows over. This place was separated from our world for our own safety. It was foretold that when a human has a Galley baby, the child must be killed for it will bring horrors untold of to the land of Green- call.
The Galleys were the most beautiful creatures ever seen. They were tall and always smelled like vanilla. The Galleys grew sugar cain and lived deep in the valley of songs. The valley of songs was home to the green Mon-hads who made music and clothe from light. They glow green but when mad they turn brown.
The Gues lived under water and had a slight blue glow to their shimmering skin. They all lived in harmony with each other trading, if needed, and sharing what they could with each other.
There once was a wizard who had traveled from the human realm to Green-call. There he discovered the Galleys and years passed before he became ill and passed away, but his Galley wife had their son who escaped from Green-call and came back to our world. The son of the wizard was named Thomas and he married Elizabeth. They had one daughter Susan before they grew old of age. Susan is now the mother of Abby who is now sixteen and soon to be a senior in high school.
Abby was jogging one day when she noticed the framework of what looked like an old gate in the middle of the forest, a mile from her home in the small town of Lake Moore. The gate was a golden arc that shimmered with every ray of light that hit it. The gate had symbols of Capricorn and Pisces on its sides, making it look so elegant and meaningful. As Abby stepped closer, she thought she heard voices calling her from that empty arc in the woods.
“Abby come back to us, join us so we can be whole.” She stepped back and said, join us? Us, who... and why my name?... naah I didn’t hear this. She turned and continued her jogging.
Throughout the week Abby was thinking of the gate and how it seemed to be calling her. She shook the thought out of her mind and started her test. The date was October twelve and Abby had her driver’s test. Abby passed and will get her license in ten mailing days, Suddenly, she had this strange erge to run, she was so happy.
She changed as soon as she came home into her running outfit. She grabbed her I-pod with her timer and took off. Down the street around the corner and into the woods, that was where she felt she could do most anything. A few minutes passed before Abby found herself stuck in front of that empty gate that lead to nowhere, and came from nowhere. She was staring at the old gold colored arc, if I stepped through, there’s no point. I’m just going to be on the other side of the gate. Face it Abs, your losing your mind. She stood there lost and conflicted to step or not. After a few minutes she decided to jump through.
The Galley people were all around her, because it was them that the wizard had left the gate for, so that if he was well he could return to see his friends and family before he died.
She got up, no one has said a word yet, when she turned and fainted. Her Galley family members carried her off and put her in a room where her great grandfather used to stay.
The room smelled like old books. She woke up and saw an old painting of her great grandfather on the wall, and stood to take a closer look at it.
The two Galley grads opened the door and in came the most amazing ray of light with wings? Wow Abby was amazed at the queen’s beauty. Abby bent her knees in a sign of respect and bowed her head and said your majesty. The queen ordered that the grads leave and the queen rushes to Abby and embrace her than said, “I’ve waited centuries for you my dear it’s time for your training, I am too old for this so it’s your turn.” Abby, shocked, followed the grandmother.
It has been three weeks in our world that Abby was gone, but in green-call, three days. They were bonding her, and her grandmother was teaching about how to cast spells and fight. The most important day was coming up and Abby had to be ready. Everyone was helping her, teaching her about her grandfather and what he had done that put all of them at risk, but then saved them. In ten days Abby was as good as her grandfather, but even better because she was of gentle spirit.
The twelfth day the army of the royal family had been trusted to Abby and was to obey her orders at all times. They travel to the tallest mountain in the Mon-had region there they found the enemy. They were dark slimy and looked like werewolves covered in gasoline, except they had no fur. They charged at the green people and were blown away with a wave of green hands that were turning brown. The Galleys move back and the Gues charged shooting air bubbles that exploded in contact. They kill a few, but then Abby put a spell that made everyone on the battle field sleep for she could watch this no longer.
Abby looked through her book but only found a spell for turning things into a colorful bird. “I guess this would be better than having to kill all of them over something that was 500 years ago.” She pulls out her hands and said, “luka – mali- mocka” the oil covered creatures were changing and they became birds. They were so bright and beautiful, “they looked like rainbow birds, I want them to be called the birds of light.” The birds and all the green people Galleys and Gues along with the Mon-hads unfrosted to see that they were among bright rainbow winged birds and Abby simply said “you’re welcome” and bowed her head to the birds.
The birds she said are called birds of light for their color and how they will explode if fire touches them. Abby and her loyal army marched back to the queen’s castle with songs of joy and cheers of victory. For a while Abby thought that since she had defeated the enemies she was safe. Abby thought of the prophecy and how she is suppose to die to save green-call, but than her mind drifted off the idea. She began to wonder why she was the only human and how she might never go home. The fears of the thoughts were sinking in and you could see it in her face.
When the celebration began the queen did not have her crown, she was sitting in her throne alongside her was Abby. The people stood up and the queen came down and bowed her head at the end of the steps that lead to the stage where the throne was. An elderly gentleman came out and in his hands were the royal jewels. He spoke a few words and they became a crown, then he said please kneel princess. Princess what I didn’t know I was a…. wow okay so that means I’m going to be queen! Abby got down and was crowned queen of Green-Call.
After her crowning celebration, she was sent to a long and dark castle where her galley family members awaited her. She opened the door and wack! Someone hit her on the head. She blacked out for a few hours, but when she woke up, she was tied to a long poll in the middle of the tower. The angry man with the large walking stick was her half brother. Abby started to cry for help when she saw the old queen come out of a dark shadow in the corner. The queen’s face was different now, she had anger and jealousy wrapped in her emotions. The man gives the queen a sword, her hands shimmer and the sword was raised up high. Abby was hopeless to the point of no fear cop! Her head rolled on the floor and she was never heard of in Green-call or back in her old town.

The author's comments:
its a short story but it's very intresting.

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