Reptile Invasion | Teen Ink

Reptile Invasion

February 12, 2013
By Anonymous

through the slatted double doors. Justin and his sister Amy were huddled together in the farthest corner, away from the menacing light. The screams for their parents as they raced up the stairs had gone unanswered—the strange sounds from downstairs growing ever louder. Their terror filled eyes were riveted on the closet entrance, the only thing standing between them and the unknown. Gaping, their stares were drawn to the the pile of clothing at the other end of the closet Jimmy pulled his little sister over to the pile and began to bury her in it. If anyone was getting taken it would be him. Amy heard the closet door open and saw the light pour in, fear was eating her alive. She could hear the screams and cries of her brother ringing through her ears. She could not stand it any longer, she emerged from the pile preparing herself for a horrid sight. Standing before her feasting on her brothers flesh was a large reptile the size of a cow. Its large beady eyes shot up as it saw Amy. Blood and venom dripped down its two foot long fangs. A large tongue flickered out of its mouth, smelling the air, sensing. Amy caught her breath. Suddenly the lizard jumped forward a screamed escaped Amy’s lips as she fell to the ground. The lizard hit the ground just before her a long blade sticking out of its back. A tall slender woman stood behind the deceased Reptilian. She beckoned for the little girl to come near.

“My name is Andrea, come with me” the woman called. Amy stepped over the corpse of the lizard and her brother. Andrea picked her up and began to run through the house, into the kitchen. She sat Amy on the counter and began filling a backpack with non perishables. She looked at her watch, ten hours, they had ten hours to get out.Soon the city was going to blow. She threw the backpack over her shoulder and picked Amy up. She rushed through the house searching below above and in. Finally she found what she was looking for under the master bed a 10 gauge shotgun and a 45 caliber handgun. She strapped the handgun under her belt and swung the shotgun over her shoulder. She grabbed Amy’s hand and dragged her to the door. She began knocking on doors to see if anyone was still alive. After ten doors Andrea kicked the door to the next house several times until the door swung open. She barged in and began searching for keys. She entered the room and saw a forty foot boa constrictor swallowing the remains of a middle aged woman. Next to the snake was a purse that Andrea believed would hold the keys she was in search of. She pulled out the shotgun and began unloading rounds into the snake. It squealed and lunged towards her. Andrea stuck her foot out and kicked the snake to the wall. She unloaded five more rounds into the squirming boa. It screamed as blood squirted out. Andrea grabbed the purse and found what she was looking for; keys. Amy still stood by Andrea fear taking her over. Andrea picked up Amy and headed for the garage. Inside was a huge ford f-150 gray. Andrea unlocked it and got into the truck and called Amy to get in the passenger side. Andrea turned the keys, immediately She pulled out of the garage and began to drive down the street.

“Where are we going” Amy asked.

“To the mountains. You are safe now” Andrea responded.

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