Vengeance | Teen Ink


March 12, 2013
By epicOzzie BRONZE, Gujranwala, Other
epicOzzie BRONZE, Gujranwala, Other
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I had waited 15 years for this day. I had always dreamt about this and now I couldn't believe that I had finally gotten this chance. 15 long years, I thought. I was eager to finish this off and settle the score.

I stood on the terrace of my house and looked at the busy mid-day business of the magnificent city of Rome. People were bustling and carrying on with their daily routine while I stood up there and sipped through my coffee and noting every action they made. I had nostalgic feelings and felt grieved that there was no cure to my feelings.

I remember exactly how brutally they were murdered. It had been 15 years but it felt like it was only yesterday, it always did. I had had nightmares about that drastic night, every time I slept, tortured by my mind.

I felt guilty for I could have saved them but I didn't. I hadn't forgotten anything. The fiery night, the untamed wind and the rain pouring continuously set up the scene. They were convicted of murder but it wasn't true. It was a false accusation and he had convinced the Romans that the two people most close to me had committed it.

I remember how they were tortured for a whole week, starved and whipped like animals. Then came the day when they were burnt alive in Public. Not even an animal would have been tortured in the way they were tortured, in any part of the world. They died in the most of disgraceful ways, a man can think of. They had dedicated their lives to Rome and they deserved the death of heroes.

There was one thing I remember about that night and that was his face. The face that I loathed all my life but never knew that I would detest him to such an extent, as I did now. He snickered at them as they struggled around with their bodies on fire. They begged him for mercy but he was unforgiving.

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