Golden key to the War | Teen Ink

Golden key to the War

March 14, 2013
By SabutNissassa BRONZE, Lincoln, Nebraska
SabutNissassa BRONZE, Lincoln, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Are you kidding me? How dare you lose that bag! Do you even know what you have done?” An old

man with a cool looking mustache that you can see from 1970s movie and wearing a nice suit from

France yells at a guy in front of him. This old man looked really mad and frustrated. But the guy right in

front of the old man looked like he is almost about to die. His body is full of scars and bleeding, but his

face tells that he doesn’t know anything about it. His name is William Craig. He is one of the officers of


NDC stands for “National Destiny Controller”. This NDC works for anything that it could prevent

any dangerous things that could happen to human beings and Earth. Through them, the world was quiet

and peaceful for almost twenty century. Almost 2000 years!

They started from this one group of people who hated to be controlled by something or

someone in early 3500s. They started searching for members to join them, and after 5 years, they had

5400k members. They promised they won’t let any kind of unneeded war like WWI, WWII and Neo

George Washington accident happen again.

They had rough start but through their effort, moneys, and high technology, they stood up

and became #1 agency of the whole world. Lots of weak countries asked them for protection and help

with their technology problems, they gained more money through helping small countries. Strong and

ginormous countries like United States or Russia knew that the money from small countries will cause

NDC to grow up a lot faster than it is by then, but they had no choice. They were ones who were asking

for more money for protection of the small countries and fighting against each other.

Back to present, March 18th of 5482. The world was so quiet, like a silence right before a huge


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