The Earth is Round? | Teen Ink

The Earth is Round?

March 19, 2013
By leah1 BRONZE, Medow Vista, California
leah1 BRONZE, Medow Vista, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The lacy boughs of the trees bent to meet each other as I walked beneath them. Somewhere ahead I could smell the tangy salt breezes of the sea. I walked over to my tent and as I opened the flap, it seemed like billions of papers scattered in the slight breeze. “Where is that wretched map?" I called out, almost swearing. There! I stretched out to reach it. As I looked at it, I realized that it was not just a map, but my map. My map that would guide me on an amazing journey. I had been told as a child that the earth was flat. Flat! Who could think so? Of course I promised myself I’d take upon the challenge to find the truth as I grew older.
I always loved the sea, everything from the salt air as it filled my lungs. To the sun when it dipped over the horizon to the shooting rays of iridescent reds, yellows, and blues as they mixed with the reflections from the ocean.
Hurriedly I picked up the papers I needed and went to the ship that I, Julio, would be sailing on. As I moved swiftly to the ship I heard people muttering and whispering behind their hands, pointing at me. I overheard a snippet; "There goes that crazy loon" and another, “That man is insane. He will fall off the side of the earth to his death." There were mutterings about monsters that were reputed to appear out of the sea, sending ships to their doom. Ignoring this, I stepped on the gangplank, eager to begin the voyage to the unknown. Glancing one last time at the bustling wharf, I turned my face toward the breezes as I saw the sails fill with air. Finally, we were under way!
We were not long out of port when a storm appeared. I'd heard of sudden squalls, quick to blow up and equally quick to blow over. This was different, somehow; I heard what sounded like the anguished screaming of the crew. I raced up to the deck, just in time to see a chitinous insect eyed creature devouring my crew. Shocked, I stood and watched the razor-sharp teeth sink into the human bodies. I could hear the bones crunching. Stunned, I couldn't seem to move. The stories were true! All true! Were my last thoughts before facing down the demons. Picking up a cutlass, determined that if I were to die, I would make it a death that these creatures would remember.

The End


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