Survival of Flight | Teen Ink

Survival of Flight

March 20, 2013
By Jake.E BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Jake.E BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
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Survival of Flight
Hello my name is Ken and about a week ago I found out I could fly and since my mom and dad were making me fly places for them. I couldn't take it anymore so i decided to run away well i guess you could say i flew away. When i flew away i met up with a kid i used to go to school with and his name was Billy. It turns out that he could fly to and he also ran away from home. Me and Billy have been away from home for about a week and a lot happened in that week. We have been attacked two times the first time was OK but the second fight ended up with me and billy being accused of murder. What happened was they had guns so they shot at us and one of them shot their own people and then said that we had the guns and that we shot the guy that was shot. Now we are trying to find evidence to prove that we didn't kill him until then we are running from the police.

Today started like any other day for us we ate breakfast and just sat around and waited for lunch. At 12:00 we heard some voices and flew to the roof of the house we were currently staying in and all of a sudden there was a loud crash of breaking glass and all of a sudden we see smoke filling the room from a gas grenade and we realize that the police found our hide out. We flew down to the ground and picked up our belongings while holding our breath in case it wasn't smoke but a gas to knock us out. We then flew out of the chimney and stayed close to the roof so not to be seen. We realized that the police were only in the front yard of the house so we just flew away but keeping close to the ground and flew a few miles and found another house to stay in and since we were really scared we just sat on the ground in shock. I was the first one to say something and since i didn't know what to say i just said “what do you want for lunch?”

The next day we decided that we should have guard watch so they don't sneak up on us again like they did last time and i went first. Guard watch is a lot harder than i thought it would be because all i do is just sit there and look around. It was fun for the first 10 minutes but then it just got boring. When it was finally time for Billy's turn i was tired because i said “i would take the shift from breakfast to lunch and he would take the shift from lunch to dinner”. After lunch i fell asleep and right when it felt that i had just fallen asleep Billy woke me up and said “that they found us and their coming” and so we got our stuff and flew away and i wondered how did they find us so easily. A week went by and we did our usual routine and i wondered did they just stop trying to find us and right when i thought that we hear shouting all around the house. We quickly gathered our stuff and then realized that we were trapped because they had surrounded the house and we decided that we would just have to fly up the chimney and away from them as fast as we can so they don't shoot us or catch us. We shot up the chimney and flew to our right and then we hear two popping sounds and we both feel a sharp prick in the side of our neck and look at our neck and see a little blood but nothing much and we just think that they were just to try and make us slow down but it did work a little and that is why we thought that. We flew for a full day and we made sure not to go in a straight line but to just fly wherever we felt like flying and we finally stopped at an abandoned warehouse. We then decided that we needed to find proof that we didn't shoot that guy because we were tired from running from the police. We came up with a plan to look for them and try and catch them doing a crime and then to call the police. The only problem with our plan was that we didn't know where to look for them so we decided to go to a library and to use the computer to try and find if their was anything in the news paper about what happened.

We woke up really early so that we could have an early breakfast and after breakfast we flew and walked to the library. At the library we went to the computers near the back so we could have a little more privacy. At first the search wasn't going very well but then we finally found something and it was an interview of one of the people who attacked us and it gave us his name so we looked up the name and sure enough we got his telephone number and his address. We decided that we would head over to his address first thing in the morning.

When we got to the address we went up to the door and rang the doorbell. The person who answered the door turned out to be the man's mother and we decided to ask his mother a few questions about her son. We asked her if her son was home and she said no he just left a few hours ago. After talking to the man’s mother for a hour or two we said “thank you” and left. Back at the warehouse we decided that tonight we would do a stakeout at his house and see what time he comes home and what time he leaves home in the morning. While we were waiting on the roof of his house with night vision goggles we found in the warehouse it turns out that the warehouse made night vision goggles. At around midnight Billy saw a man walking towards the house and woke me up because we were taking turns and we both watched the man and watched him walk up to the house and then pull a key out from under the doormat and unlocked the door and walked in the house. We both look at each other and Billy whispers to me “i thought that this would be more interesting when we saw him come home i guess i was wrong”. We kept taking turns for sleep and watching when at around 5:00 in the morning I heard a door open and woke Billy up and we watched him walk down the sidewalk. Billy asked “should we follow him and i said yeah let's follow him but we should fly really high up so he doesn't see us”. We followed him all the way until we he got to a house that was in a nice low populated neighborhood. When he went inside we saw that there was a warehouse nearby it turns out that the warehouse stored a device that would let you hear a conversation through walls and we both thought that we were getting really lucky with these warehouses. When we were listening we found out that they were planning to rob a house in the neighborhood of la-la land. We decided that we should head back to our warehouse and go to la-la land tomorrow and catch them in the act of robbing the house.

The next morning we flew down to the neighborhood of la-la land and waited on the roof of a house near the front of the neighborhood. We knew what car they would drive so that helped us a lot so we wouldn't have to follow every car we saw drive in to the neighborhood. Around 10:00 PM we saw their car so we then followed the car and sure enough we saw the guy and the people who attacked us that day step out of the car. Right when they broke down the door we called the police and told them that their was a break in in the neighborhood of la-la land. About twenty minutes later the police arrived and shouted “to come out with your hands up” but all of a sudden me and Billy saw them running out the back door of the house and the police didn't realize it. We then flew down and hit them all in the head and that knocked them out then we ran up to the police and said “that we knocked out the people that were breaking into the house and that they were in the back yard”. The police said “thank you” and ran to the back yard and the police had handcuffs on all of them and then they were starting to wake up. When one of them saw us he said “aren't you the kids we framed for killing one of us” and right when he said that the other people looked at him like they wanted to kill him and he said “what”. The next week went by and we went to the court session and the end result was they got life in jail and we were not charged with murder any more.

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