The Creation Delusion | Teen Ink

The Creation Delusion

April 29, 2013
By Gavin Schenk BRONZE, Park City, Utah
Gavin Schenk BRONZE, Park City, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Hidden from the world for over sixteen hundred years was a human-generating-machine. It was a long, curvy, and funnel shaped tube that would spit people out of it. It may sound quite bizarre and even puzzling at first but to summarize it’s tube that actually creates people. Most people are born in the usual way but this contributes to why there are so many people in the world, because this strange machine can create people. It doesn’t even create babies, it creates men and women around the age of fifty to thirty with a lifetime of experience that they didn’t actually live. Some people have knowledge that this machine is here but really though who would possibly believe them, it’s as if you saw a extraterrestrial being, no one would believe you.

Alteron was a perfectly normal adult around age 40 despite extraordinary courage and his superior physical condition at his age. He could remember the lifetime that he created from the time that he was 6 years old learning to ride a bike to the day that he graduated from college. He was certain that he had done all these things, but had he. He had an average Joe job just working as an accountant for a boss that he couldn’t stand. He had a family of machine made mutants just like himself. He had a wife, no kids, and parents that supposedly died when he was 25 in a car accident. He even remembered going to the funeral, he so sorrowful and filled with distraught at that time.

“Alteron where in the world are last years spending reports, I need them ASAP.” His boss bellowed throughout the office overlapping the sounds of people typing on their keyboards and people talking to customers on the phone.

“Umm, they’re coming sir. My computer is just acting a little slow sir.” Alteron mumbled as his boss swarmed into his office.

“Is that an excuse? Is that an excuse? You know I do not have any time for excuses. Don’t you?” His boss rambled as he attempted to intimidate Alteron.

“Yes, sir.” Alteron said barely able to have the words fumble out of his mouth.

“So Alteron where are my reports? His boss said slyly. By this time the entire office had followed in on the conversation, or they had at least gazed at them.

“I don’t have them sir,” Alteron responded.

“And why don’t you have them?” He boss continued.

Now Alteron had boiled over. That was the final straw. He stood up and went chest to chest against his bosses large, greasy, and paunchy belly. Truth be told he would have to fight to go chest to chest with his boss because of the obstacle of his stomach, just like how his boss struggles to see his own toes.

“That’s it sir.” Alteron said putting extreme and sarcastic emphasis on the sir. “I cannot and refuse to deal with you appalling and insufferable demeanor, sir”. He put a sarcastic emphasis on sir again. “You are the shining image of a disgusting human that has clearly been exposed to ridicule from your unfriendly personality and your extreme obesity. You are just a human, and because you were treated bad and now have the power that you never had before think that you can treat everyone like society treated you.” After the speech that Alteron just portrayed he thought that he needed some well deserved respect for his moxie.

His boss stood still for a minute as the entire office watched over the affair. “Your fired” His boss boomed out. “How dare you treat me like one of your coworkers and my subordinate. I have the right to treat people below me worse because I am their boss.”

“We are all human sir no matter how we were created,” Alteron said as his final word.

Alteron calmly walked into the car, knowing that people from the office were looking at him against the nauseating bosses demands. Now Alternon knew he was just a little different.

He dialed up his wife who was out of town for the moment. He tried calling her and she didn’t answer. He was upset that his wife didn’t answer but this triumph would easily last through the night.

“I aught to be the happiest person that ever just got fired. I believe that this calls for a victory dinner.” Alteron said to himself. He drove for the steak restaurant that he had just spotted the other day through the rift in the trees. It was called “Fort Angus.” He walked in and was greeted by the waiter. “Hello my name in Lorenz Sorön and I will be showing you to your table. The man spoke in a German accent. He picked up a menu he lead Alteron to his table.

Alteron picked out a very expensive Tri Tip on the menu, and since is his wife wasn’t there it was the obvious choice. He saw a man at another table glancing at him through the corner of his eye while he was waiting for the waiter. He turned to look at the man and he flinched; then in an instance shot down and pried at his menu. Alteron began to feel that something was not all right. The waiter came to take his order, eventually.

“Sorry for the wait sir, we are very busy tonight.” The waiter said.

“No trouble at all.” Alteron replied.

“Do you know what you would like sir?” The waiter asked.

“Well I would like a million dollars but I don’t think that is what you were asking.” Alteron said, it was the same foolish response that he would say once any waiter asked him that. “No I would like to try the 16 ounce tri tip.”

“Excellent choice sir. We will try to bring it to you as fast as we can.” However, at the same time the waiter was spitting out that last statement Alteron refocused his eyes on the man that was previously staring at him. To Alteron’s shock the man staring at him, and now Alteron was off ease.

The waiter brought Alteron his food and made a joke that he probably tells every customer to loosen their wallet and get a much more pleasant tip. Alteron appeared to be savoring his meal but was actually stalling to see if the other man would leave, but the man that was watching him, undeniably, he was kept on watching him. Alteron would wonder if the restaurant would make him leave but he continued to buy multiple glasses of wine countered with a cup of coffee. He imbibed both of his drinks slowly just like how Alteron was consuming his meat; to be honest Alteron was amazed the man did not feint from consuming the wine.

Alteron asked for a order and at that exact moment the man who had consumed almost 7 cups of coffee and 7 cups of wine when he had asked for the check. Alteron signed the bill which was $58.98 and rushed out of the building. His heart was pounding like a jackhammer and he saw the man that was walking him had just began to sign his bill.

Once Alteron was outside he started walking hastily, which moved into a mild jog, and once he saw that the man who was watching him before was following him, his pace erupted into a full sprint. Unfortunately, the other mans pace moved up to sprint as well.

Alteron eventually got to his new car but his excitement, nervousness, and terror resulted in him dropping his keys. He fumbled with them but it was to late, the man lunged on to his back and dug his finger nails into his shoulders. “Ahhhh,” Alteron sent a bellow throughout the parking lot. The man who was holding him hesitated momentarily but his dirty deed had not come to a stop, he flung his elbow towards his victim, which sent pitiful, unaware Alteron plummeting towards the cement that enveloped the surface of the floor bellow him.

“Hello, Hello,” pleaded Alternon from a room that absorbed all exuberance and light that had the misfortune of finding it’s way into the dreadful room. The stench was grotesque, especially when you take into account that it was one of only senses that Alteron could use; his butt and back was numb from the stiff chair that he sat on, his eyes were of course useless from the darkness of his room, the sound was silent, even if there was a faint sound it was imperceptible, and the only thing he could taste was just from the gruesome smell.

He sat there with his thoughts until suddenly there was a dull light that penetrated the room; it wasn’t a bright glaring light, far from that to be honest, but to Alteron it was blinding. He turned his head to the right in order to protect his eyes from the light. While his head was turned he could not see the figure enter the room. “Hello,” Alteron repeated. Suddenly he felt the ropes that he was tethered to being slashed.

“Greeting,” the shadow answered back “come outside with me.” Alteron, seeing he didn’t have any leverage was willingly obedient. Once Alteron was outside the light was blinding. After a while his vision was restored and compensated to the light; he felt partially reinvigorated because of this. The room was bright light and looked like it used modern technology, the scenery was white except for the few seamless and decorative metal that was in the room.

“Where am I?” Alteron asked to the now plain man that he could see. The man that saved him from the room had hair blacker than jet, and his eyes were dark and flawless. “We are where you were produced,” the man said. “Excuse me, produced.” Alteron said confused and putting a strong emphasis on produced.

“This is where you were produced, generated or if you still think you are quote human born.”

“Would you like to elaborate on quote human,” Alteron said.

“Wait have they not briefed you, what in the world am I paying those people for. You aren’t human. You are more of a superhuman generated from a machine.”

“Machine, I am human,” elongating the I am human part.

“See, you were created by a machine. You are just in denial. have you not noticed that you are stronger, faster, possibly even more than audacious or valiant than some of your coworkers or peers,” The man said.

The whole dilemma was becoming intolerable for Alternon. He fell to both of his knees, grabbed his hair, and started pulling his hair.

The man began to speak again. “We might have to in terms see how you react, and do some experiments on you.”

Alteron was done it was like what happened today or yesterday, or whenever he erupted at his previous employer. He threw back his elbow with entire loathing for this man and the whole thing; it landed into his stomach. “You don’t understand,” the man said as he clenched his stomach “there is a machine.” Alteron sent his foot flying into his face to end his lunacy.

Alteron would destroy this human-birthing-machine. He snooped down the corners and the stairs to find this machine. He found a door that read Authorized Personnel Only and the door possessed a deep, grinding sound from within. It was locked, but the door was senescent. Alteron flung his foot at the door collapsing it immediately.

He saw it; Alteron saw the machine. If my readers will recall from the start of the story this machine is a long, curvy, grand, and funnel like tube. Most people would never know what this thing was but as a human was spit out of the machine, bald and naked Alternon knew that this machine, that he was originally skeptical of its existed, from this image it was almost mandatory to believe.

He soon sprinted up to the machine blinded and ignorant with his rage, then he sent his hands into a plummet, hitting the control panel with devastating force. Then after his barrage into the machine, he fell to his knees, and then to his stomach. However, exhausted and confused he managed to stand up and leave the building. Now outside he fell tot he earth due to fatigue. Once he got outside however conscious briefly it was splendiferous.

In a that day he could not stand up or protect himself. The man that he hit before came outside and due to the destruction of his machine, killed Alteron.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because I had to for creative writing.

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